Table of Contents |
- Verify the validity of access token
- in case of error return 401 ('Access denied')
- Check user scope encounter:write in order to perform this action
- in case of error generate 403 response ('Invalid scopes')
Request validation
Note: No update operations are allowed. All IDs, submitted as PK, should be unique for eHealth.
- Validate patient status
- db.patients.status for this patient must "active"
- in case of error return 409 - "Patient is not active"
- db.patients.status for this patient must "active"
- Validate request according to JSON Schema (link)
- Return 422 with list of validation errors in case validation fails
- Validate Visit
- $ is unique
- in case of error return 422 - "Visit with such id already exists"
- $.visit.end is filled
- in case of error return - "End date of visit must be filled"
- Period Validation
- $ is unique
- Validate DS
- Validate that DS belongs to the performer of encounter
- validate that drfo from DS and party.drfo of performer matches
- Validate that performer of encounter is a current user
- validate that one of users employee is a performer of encouner
- validate that client_id from token == PRM.performer.legal_entity
- Validate that DS belongs to the performer of encounter
- Validate encoded signed content according to JSON Schema (link)
- Return 422 with list of validation errors in case validation fails
- Validate encounter id as a primary key (583402844)
- Validate that the date is within acceptable limits
- $<= current_date
- $>=current_date-encounter_max_days_passed
- Validate "episode" is an active episode that belongs to the current patient
- $.encounter.episode.identifier.value is one of ME.patinet{patient_id}.episodes{*}.id
- in case of error return 422 "Episode with such ID is not found"
- $.encounter.episode.identifier.value is an ID of an Episode that meets the requirements:
- ME.patient{patinet_id}.episodes{episode_id}.status = 'active'
- in case of error return 422 "Episode is not active"
- ME.patient{patinet_id}.episodes{episode_id}.managing_organization==token.client_id
- in case of error return 422 "Managing_organization in the episode does not correspond to user`s legal_entity"
- ME.patient{patinet_id}.episodes{episode_id}.status = 'active'
- $.encounter.episode.identifier.value is one of ME.patinet{patient_id}.episodes{*}.id
- Validate "visit" is a visit that belongs to the current patient
- Validate referrals
- As a referral it can be referenced electronic (registered in the system) OR paper service request
- Validate ($.encounter.incoming_referrals OR $.encounter.paper_referral) or none in request
- Validate incoming referrals as References (583402844)
- Validate paper referral as Object (paper_referral)
- Validate incoming referrals that corresponds to $.encounter.incoming_referrals[*].identifier.value have:
- ..used_by_legal_entity.identifier.value==token.client_id OR null
- in case of error return 409 "Service request is used by another legal_entity"
- ..status==active or program_processing_status=in_progress (any status is valid in case program_processing_status= in_progress)
- in case of error return 409 "Invalid service request status"
- ..if program is defined program_processing_status=new, in_queue or in_progress
- ..used_by_legal_entity.identifier.value==token.client_id OR null
- Validate performer
- $.encounter.performer.identifier.value is an ID of existing employee in PRM.Employees
- in case of error return "There is no Employee with such id"
- $.encounter.performer.identifier.value == where (PRM.Employees.status==`active`)
- in case of error return "Employee is not active"
- $.encounter.performer.identifier.value is an ID of existing employee in PRM.Employees