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This web service is designed to close an episode.




Validate token

  • Verify the validity of access token
    • Return 401 in case validation fails
  • Verify token is not expired
    • in case of error return 401 

Validate scopes

  • Check user scopes in order to perform this action (scope = 'episode:write')
    1. Return 403 in case invalid scope(s)

Validate legal entity

  1. Validate episode belongs to the legal entity where the current user works
    • ME.episode.managing_organization==token.client_id
      • in case of error return 422 "Managing_organization does not correspond to user`s legal_entity"

Validate request

  1. Validate episode.status!= "entered_in_error" or "closed"
    1. in case of error "Episode in {episode_status} can not be closed"
  2. Validate that "closing_reason" is a valid value from the corresponding dictionary 
    1. $.closing_reason.coding[*].system == "eHealth/episode_cancellation_reasons"
  3. Validate period as Period (consider period.start_date from the episode)

Request processing

  1. Set the status of the episode in "closed"
  2. Set closing_reason in status_reason
  3. Set closing_summary
  4. Set period.end
  5. Create a record in episode.status_history
  6. Async! Close related service requests
    1. Fetch all service requests from $.referral_requests
    2. Send message to Kafka
    3. Process each message and update service request status to Completed (see Deprecated - Kafka Consumer: Mark Service Request As Completed)