Table of Contents


  1. Validate encounter id as a primary key

  2. Validate that the date is within acceptable limits

    1. $<= current_date

    2. $>=current_date-encounter_max_days_passed

  3. Validate "episode" is an active episode that belongs to the current patient

    1. $.encounter.episode.identifier.value is one of  ME.patinet{patient_id}.episodes{*}.id

      1. in case of error return 422 "Episode with such ID is not found"

    2. $.encounter.episode.identifier.value is an ID of an Episode that meets the requirements:

      1. ME.patient{patinet_id}.episodes{episode_id}.status = 'active'

        1. in case of error return 422 "Episode is not active"

      2. ME.patient{patinet_id}.episodes{episode_id}.managing_organization==token.client_id

        1. in case of error return 422 "Managing_organization in the episode does not correspond to user`s legal_entity"

  4. Validate "visit" is a visit that belongs to the current patient

    1. $.encounter.visit.identifier.value=$  OR  ID of already existing Visit in ME.patient{patient_id}

      1. in case of error return 422 "Visit with such ID is not found"

  5. Validate referrals

    1. As a referral it can be referenced electronic (registered in the system) OR paper service request

    2. Validate ($.encounter.incoming_referrals OR $.encounter.paper_referral) or none in request

    3. Validate incoming referrals as  References

    4. Validate paper referral as Object (paper_referral)

    5. Validate incoming referrals that corresponds to $.encounter.incoming_referrals[*].identifier.value have:

      1. ..used_by_legal_entity.identifier.value==token.client_id OR null

        1. in case of error return 409 "Service request is used by another legal_entity"

      2. ..status==active or program_processing_status=in_progress (any status is valid in case program_processing_status= in_progress)

        1. in case of error return 409 "Invalid service request status"

      3. ..if program is defined program_processing_status=new, in_queue or in_progress

      4. check that service_request contains based_on parameter

        1. in case based_on present in service_request

          1. verify care_plan:

            1. It should be in active status

            2. Care plan's period end (if exist) should be greater than current date or equal.

          2. verify activity:

            1. It has activity.detail.kind=service_request; activity.detail.product_reference=service_id. 

            2. It has scheduled, in_progress status

        2. in case based_on not present in request skip previous validations.

  6. Validate performer

    1. $.encounter.performer.identifier.value is an ID of existing employee in PRM.Employees

      1. in case of error return "There is no Employee with such id"

    2. $.encounter.performer.identifier.value  == where (PRM.Employees.status==`active`)

      1. in case of error return "Employee is not active"

    3. $.encounter.performer.identifier.value  == where (PRM.Employees.legal_entity== client_id)

      1. "User can not create encounter for this legal_entity"

    4. validate employee type according to encounter.class - use config file (employee_encounter_classes)

      1. in case error return 422, "Employee.type $type is forbidden for your encounter class"

    5. according to employee.type as stated in employee_encounter_types

      1. in case error return 422, msg "Employee.type $type is forbidden for your encounter type"

  7. division

    1. $.encounter.division.identifier.value must meet the following requirements

      1. PRM.division.status = "ACTIVE"

        1. in case of error return 409 "Division is not active " 

      2. PRM.division.legal_entity= token.client_id

        1. in case of error return 409 "User is not allowed to create encouners for this division"

  8. Validate supporting_info as References

  9. Validate encounter.class  

    1. according to legal_entity.type - use config file (legal_entity_episode_types)

      1. in case error return 409, msg "Encounter.class $class is forbidden for your legal entity type"

    2. according to episode.type - use config file (episode_type_encounter_classes)

      1. in case error return 409, msg "Encounter.class $class is forbidden for your episode type"

    3. according to employee.type as stated in encounter class validations

      1. in case error return 409, msg "Encounter.class $class is forbidden for your employee type"

  10. Validate encounter.type according to encounter.class - use config file encounter_class_encounter_types

    1. in case error return 409, msg "Encounter.type $type is forbidden for your encounter class"

  11. Validate actions 

    1. Validate actions presence according to  encounter class validations

      1. in case error return '422', msg 'TBC'

    2. Defined in the system that corresponds to  encounter class validations

      1. in case error return '422', msg 'TBC'

  12. Validate action_references 
    Note. For encounter.action_references pass only "service", and the "service_group" does not pass

    1. Validate action_references presence according to  encounter class validations

      1. in case error return '422', msg 'At least one of action references, diagnostic reports or procedures should exist in encounter package'

    2. Validate code as a Reference

    3. Validate action_references is in, has status ACTIVE and is_active = true

      1. in case error return '422', msg 'Service with such ID is not found'

      2. in case error return '422', msg 'Service should be active'

  13.  Validate diagnoses 

    1. Validate conditions as  References

    2. Validate that encounter type= 'intervention'. If not, than:

      1. Validate encounter has exactly one diagnosis where $.encounter.diagnoses[?(@.role.coding[0].code=="primary")]

      2. in case of error return 422 "Encounter must have exactly one primary diagnosis"

    3. Validate is in DB or in current Encounter package 

    4. Validate that each condition is active (verification_status != entered_in_error)

      1. in case of error return 409 "Conditions in diagnoses must be active"

    5. Validate that primary diagnosis defined in the system that corresponds to  encounter class validations

      1. in case of error "Primary diagnosis should be defined in {$.encounter.diagnoses[*].role.coding[*].system } system"

    6. Validate that rank

      1. Rank value should be integer and >= 1

        1. in case of error return 422 "expected the value to be >= 1"

      2. Rank value should be integer and <= 10

        1. in case of error return 422 "expected the value to be <= 10"

  14. Validate reasons

    1. Validate reasons presence according to  encounter class validations

      1. in case error return '422', msg 'Validation failed. You can find validators description at our API Manifest: .', description 'can't be blank.

  15. Validate hospitalization 

    1. Validate hospitalization presence according to  encounter class validations

      1. in case error return 422, msg "Hospitalization block is forbidden for encounter.class = $encounter.class" 

    2. Validate all fields according to schemata

      1. destination

      2. discharge_disposition

      3. pre_admission_identifier

      4. admit_source

      5. re_admission

      6. discharge_department

    3. Validate destination is a valid legal_entity in prm with status is ACTIVE and is_active = true

      1. in case error return 422, "Legal entity is not active"

  16.  Validate patient_id for encounter.type == "patient_identity"

    1. $patient_id should exist in, have status =='ACTIVE' and is_active = true

      1. in case error return 'TBC', msg 'TBC'

  17. If incoming referrals exists and incoming_referral (service request) category not in ('transfer_of_care', 'hospitalization') and encounter.class in ("AMB", "INPATIENT") and encounter.type <>  "patient_identity" validate service for encounter.actions OR diagnostic_report.code OR procedure.code

    1. If service_requests.code.identifier.value is service, validate $resourse.code.identifier.value = service_requests.code.identifier.value

      1. in case error return 409, "Service in $resourse differ from service in service request"

    2. if service_requests.code.identifier.value is service_group, validate $resourse.code.identifier.value in (SELECT service_id from service_inclusions where service_group_id='service_requests.code.identifier.value')

      1. in case error return 409, "Service in $resourse differ from services in service request's service_group"

    3. Validate $resourse.service.is_active = true

      1. in case error return 409, "Service should be active"

  18. Validate patient verification status:

    1. If encounter has incoming referral with valid and active service request, then skip this validation.

    2. Else check patient's verification_status is not equal to NOT_VERIFIED.

      1. in case of error return 409, "Patient is not verified"

  19. Validate priority

    1. Validate priority presence according to eHealth/encounter_priority

      1. in case error return 409, ""

    2. If encounter.class.code = "INPATIENT", priority is required

      1. in case error return 422, "Priority for encounter is required"


  1. Validate observations ids as  primary keys

  2. Validate that context of observation is a current encounter

    1. $.observations[*].context.identifier.value==$

      1. in case of error return "Submitted context is not allowed for the observation"

  3. Validate that the date is within acceptable limits

    1. $.observations[*].issued <= current_time

      1. in case of error return "Issued date must be in past"

    2. $.observations[*].issued>=current_date-observation_max_days_passed

      1. in case of error "Issued must be greater than  {{current_date-observation_max_days_passed}}"

  4. Validate performer(asserter)

  5. Validate$.observations[*].components[*].value_period as a Period

  6. Validate $.observations[*].value_quantity

    1. $.observations[*].value must be with number type

      1. in case of error return "type mismatch. Expected number but got {entered type}"

    2. $.observations[*].comparator can take the following values : [">", ">=", "=", "<=", "<"]

      1. in case of error return "value is not allowed in enum"

    3. $.observations[*].unit can take values from dictionary eHealth/ucum/units 

      1. in case of error return "value is not allowed in enum"

  7. Validate $.observations[*].value_codeable_concept

    1. $.observations[*].code validate that the code belongs to the dictionary system

      1. in case of error return "Value is not allowed in enum"

  8. Validate $.observations[*].value_boolean

    1. $.observations[*].value_boolean must be boolean type

      1. in case of error return "type mismatch. Expected boolean but got {entered type}"

  9. Validate $.observations[*].value_string

    1. $.observations[*].value_string must be string type

      1. in case of error return "type mismatch. Expected string but got {entered type}"

  10. Validate $.observations[*].value_sampled_data

    1. $.observations[*].data must be string type

      1. in case of error return "type mismatch. Expected string but got {entered type}"

    2. $.observations[*].origin must be with number type

      1. in case of error return "type mismatch. Expected number but got {entered type}"

    3. $.observations[*].period must be with number type

      1. in case of error return "type mismatch. Expected number but got {entered type}"

    4. $.observations[*].factor must be with number type

      1. in case of error return "type mismatch. Expected number but got {entered type}"

    5. $.observations[*].lower_limit must be with number type

      1. in case of error return "type mismatch. Expected number but got {entered type}"

    6. $.observations[*].upper_limit must be with number type

      1. in case of error return "type mismatch. Expected number but got {entered type}"

    7. $.observations[*].dimensions must be with number type

      1. in case of error return "type mismatch. Expected number but got {entered type}"

  11. Validate $.observations[*].value_range

    1. $.observations[*].low must be with object type

      1. in case of error return "type mismatch. Expected object but got {entered type}"

    2. $.observations[*].high must be with object type

      1. in case of error return "type mismatch. Expected object but got {entered type}"

  12. Validate $.observations[*].value_ratio

    1. $.observations[*].numerator must be with object type

      1. in case of error return "type mismatch. Expected object but got {entered type}"

    2. $.observations[*].denominator must be with object type

      1. in case of error return "type mismatch. Expected object but got {entered type}"

  13. Validate $.observations[*].value_time

    1. $.observations[*].value_time must be with string type

      1. in case of error return "type mismatch. Expected string but got {entered type}"

  14. Validate $.observations[*].value_date_time

    1. $.observations[*].value_date_time must be with string type

      1. in case of error return "type mismatch. Expected string but got {entered type}"

  15. Validate diagnostic report is one of reports in the current package

    1. $.observations[*].diagnostic_report.identifier.value == one of $.diagnostic_report[*].identifier.value

      1. in case of error "Invalid reference"

  16. Validate $.observations[*].reaction_on

    1. check that the appropriate immunizations.status != "entered_in_error"

      1. in case of error return 409 "Immunization with status ‘entered_in_error’ can not be use"

  17. Validate $.observations.code

    1. if observations.code.coding[*].code value is included in chart variables 'OBSERVATION_CODES_WITH_<VALUE_TYPE>_REQUIRED', <value_type> field is mandatory

      1.  in case of error return 422 “This field is required for code = <code>“

Validate observations for encounter.type == "patient_identity" 


  1. Validate diagnostic reports ids as primary keys

  2. Validate based_on as Reference

  3. Validate that service_request, referenced as based_on, is

    1. in status is active or program_processing_status=in_progress (any status is valid in case program_processing_status= in_progress)

      1. in case of error return 409 "Invalid service request status"

    2. if program is defined than used_by_legal_entity==token.client_id OR null

      1. in case of error return 409 "Service request is used by another legal_entity"

    3. if program is defined than program_processing_status == new, in_queue or in_progress

    4. check that service_request contains based_on parameter

      1. in case based_on present in service_request

        1. verify care_plan:

          1. It should be in active status

          2. Care plan's period end (if exist) should be greater than current date or equal.

        2. verify activity:

          1. It has activity.detail.kind=service_request; activity.detail.product_reference=service_id. 

          2. It has scheduled, in_progress status

      2. in case based_on not present in request skip previous validations.

  4. category

    1. Validate that one of diagnostic reports categories corresponds to service category, that is references as code in DR

      1. $.diagnostic_report.category[?] where$.diagnostic_report.code.identifier.value

        1. in case of error return 422 "None of the diagnostic report categories matches with the service category"

  5. Validate code

    1. Validate code as Reference

    2. If service_requests.code.identifier.value is service, validate $diagnostic_report.code.identifier.value = service_requests.code.identifier.value

      1. in case error return 409, "Service in diagnostic_report differ from service in service request"

    3. if service_requests.code.identifier.value is service_group, validate $diagnostic_report.code.identifier.value in (SELECT service_id from service_inclusions where service_group_id='service_requests.code.identifier.value')

      1. in case error return 409, "Service in diagnostic_report differ from services in service request's service_group"

    4. Validate diagnostic_report.service.is_active = true

      1. in case error return 409, "Service should be active"

  6. Validate effective_period as a period

  7. Validate that issued is within acceptable limits

    1. $.diagnostic_reports[*].issued<= current date_time

      1. in case of error 422 "Asserted date  must be in past"

    2. $.diagnostic_reports[*].issued>=current_date-diagnostic_report_max_days_passed

      1. in case of error 422 "Issued must be greater than  {{current_date-diagnostic_report_max_days_passed}}" 

  8. conclusion_code

  9. Validate recorded_by as Employee

  10. Validate encounter

    1. $.diagnostic_reports[*].encounter.identifier.value == $

      1. in case of error 409 "Invalid reference"

  11. Validate performer.identifier as Employee

  12. Validate managing_organization is a current legal_entity

    1. $.managing_organization.identifier.value==token.client_id

      1. in case of error 409 "Managing organization does not correspond to user's legal entity."

  13. Validate result_interpreter.identifier as Employee

  14. Validate result_interpreter.identifier is an employee with employee_type = DOCTOR or SPECIALIST

  15. Validate only One of the fields is filled:

    1. $.diagnostic_report[*].results_interpreter.reference OR $.diagnostic_report[*].results_interpreter.text

    2. $.diagnostic_report[*].performer.reference OR $.diagnostic_report[*].performer.text

  16. Validate primary_source

    1. If primary_source==true, then

      1. Managing organization MUST be filled

    2. If primary_source==false, then

      1. report_origin OR performer.text must be filled

      2. performer.reference must NOT be filled

      3. results_enterpreter.reference must NOT be filled

  17. Validate patient verification status:

    1. If diagnostic report has based_on with valid and active service request, then skip this validation.

    2. Else check patient's verification_status is not equal to NOT_VERIFIED.

      1. in case of error return 409, "Patient is not verified"

Validate Procedures

  1. Validate by json schema

  2. Validate procedure id as primary key

  3. Validate that service_request, referenced as based_on, is

    1. check that service_request contains based_on parameter

      1. in case based_on present in service_request

        1. verify care_plan:

          1. It should be in active status

          2. Care plan's period end (if exist) should be greater than current date or equal.

        2. verify activity:

          1. It has activity.detail.kind=service_request; activity.detail.product_reference=service_id. 

          2. It has scheduled, in_progress status

      2. in case based_on not present in request skip previous validations.

  4. Validate code

    1. Validate code as Reference

    2. Validate procedure.service.is_active = true

      1. in case error return 409, "Service is not active"

  5. Validate encounter

    1. $.procedure[*].encounter.identifier.value == $

      1. in case error return 409, "Submitted encounter is not allowed for procedure"

  6. Validate performed_date_time


    1.  performed_date_time is real

      1. in case error return 422, "Performed_date_time in invalid"

    2. performed_date_time <= now

      1. in case error return 422 "Procedure cannot be registered in future"

  8. Validate recorded_by

    1. Validate recorded_by as Reference

    2. $..recorded_by.identifier.value is an ID of existing employee in PRM.employee

      1. in case of error  return 422, "Employee with such id is not found"

    3. Validate recorded_by is employee with status='APPROVED' and is_active= true and end_date is null or more than today

      1. in case error return 409, "This action is prohibited for current employee" 

    4. Validate employees.legal_entity_id=$managing_organization.identifier.value

      1. in case error return 409, "Employee should be from current legal entity"

  9. Validate asserter

  10. Validate division

    1. Validate division as Reference

    2. $division is an ID in PRM.divisions

      1. in case return 422, "Division with such id is not found"

    3. division.status=ACTIVE and is_active=true

      1. in case error return 409, "Division is not active"

    4. division.legal_entity_id = $client_id or division.legal_entity_id=$managing_organization.identifier.value

      1. in case error return 409, "Division is not in current legal_entity"

  11. Validate managing_organization is a current active legal_entity with proper type

    1.  as Reference

    2. $managing_organization is an ID in PRM.legal_entities

      1. in case return 422, "Legal entity with such id is not found"

    3. validate managing_organization status is 'ACTIVE' and is_active=true

      1. in case error return 422 ('Legal entity is not active')

    4. validate legal_entity type is in ('PRIMARY_CARE','MSP','MSP_PHARMACY','MSP_PHARMACY') (use `ME_ALLOWED_TRANSACTIONS_LE_TYPES` from charts)

      1. in case error return 422, "Legal entity with type $legal_entity.type cannot perform procedures"

    5. validate $managing_organization.identifier.value = $client_id

      1. in case of error 409 "Managing organization does not correspond to user's legal entity."

  12. Validate reason_references

    1. Validate reason_reference as a Reference

    2. Validate reason_refernce.identifier.value is condition not in status `entered_in_error`

      1. in case error return 422, "Condition is canceled"

  13. Validate outcome

    1. validate outcome as a Reference 

    2. validate outcome.coding.object.system is in dictionary eHealth/procedure_outcomes

      1. in case error return 422, "outcome not in dictionary eHealth/procedure_outcomes"

  14. Validate complication_details

    1. validate complication_details as a Reference 

    2. validate complication_details.identifier.value refer to condition in the same encounter package

      1. in case error return 422, "complication_details does not correspond to condition in this encounter package"

  15. Validate category

    1. according to the dictionary 'eHealth/procedure_categories' - by schemata

    2. Validate that procedure category corresponds to service category, that is references as code in procedure

      1. $ where$.procedure.code.identifier.value

        1. in case of error return 422 "Procedure category does not match with the service category"

  16. Validate patient verification status:

    1. If procedure has based_on with valid and active service request, then skip this validation.

    2. Else check patient verification_status is not equal to NOT_VERIFIED.

      1. in case of error return 409, "Patient is not verified"

Primary key validation

  1. Validate that IDs of all submitted entities in the array are unique

    1. validate that $.{collection}[*].id from the payload are all unique among themselves

      1. in case of error return 409 "All primary keys must be unique"  

    2. validate there is no entity with such id in the corresponding Medical events collection

      1. in case of error return 422 "{Entity} with such id already exists"


Related care plan validation

  1. If entities (encounter.incoming_referral, procedure.based_on, diagnostic_report.based_on) has reference on service request and service_request[].activity.detail.quantity was set - check possibility to create EDP depending on service_request[].activity remaining quantity

    1. calculate the quantity of artifacts that are contained in the $.activity.outcome_reference by service_request.based_on[].activity[].id

    2. calculate the quantity of artifacts that are contained in the request and have a link to the service request

    3. compare quantity from outcome_reference with the artifact quantity

    4. check that difference is greater then or equal to zero

      1. in case of error return 409 "The total amount of the prescribed service quantity exceeds quantity in care plan activity"


  1. Save signed_content to Media Storage

  2. Save data to corresponding collections in DBs

  3. Save link to the signed content to the encounter

  4. Enrich encounter.diagnoses:

    1. select condition.code from Medical Events DB(or from request body)  where[@].condition.identifier.value 

    2. set diagnoses[@].code = select 1

  5. Save diagnoses from encounter to episodes.current_diagnoses

    1. ME.patients.episodes.diagnoses = $.encounter.diagnoses 

  6. Add a record to the ME.patient.episodes{episode_id}.diagnoses_hstr

    1. date = current_date

    2. evidence = reference to encounter  ($

    3. diagnoses = $.encounter.diagnoses 

  7. Set display_value to employees for all submitted objects

    1. Select PRM.parties.first_name, PRM.parties.second_name, PRM.parties.last_name from PRM.parties where ( == (Select PRM.employees.party_id from  PRM.employees where $.care_manager.identifier.value))

    2. ME.patients.encounters{encounter_id}.performer.display== Select 1

    3. ME.conditions{condition_id}.asserter.display == Select 1

    4. ME.observations{observation_id}.performer.display == Select 1

    5. ME.patients.immunizations{immunization_id}.performer.display == Select 1

    6. ME.patients.allergy_intolerance{ai_id}.asserter.display == Select 1

    7. ME.patients.devices{device_id}.asserter.display == Select 1

    8. ME.patients.medication_statements{ms_id}.asserter.display == Select 1

    9. ME.patients.risk_assessment{rs_id}.asserter.display == Select 1

    10. ME.patients.diagnostic_reports{dr_id}.performer.reference.display == Select 1

    11. ME.patients.diagnostic_reports{dr_id}.recorded_by.reference.display == Select 1

    12. ME.patients.diagnostic_reports{dr_id}.results_interpreter.reference.display == Select 1

  8. In case there are reactions ($.observations[?].reaction_on) in the request, update corresponding immunizations with the reactions:

    1. Set in ME.patient.immunization.reaction.detail $ as a reference
      note: $.observations[?].reaction_on should not be saved in observation, only in corresponding immunization

  9. Set display_value for legal_entities

    1. ME.patients.diagnostic_reports{dr_id}.managing_organization.display

  10. Set managing_organization for submitted observations, conditions, encounter

    1. ME.conditions{cond_id}.managing_organization=token.client_id

    2. ME.observations{observ_id}.managing_organization=token.client_id

    3. ME.encounters{encounter_id}.managing_organization=token.client_id

  11. In case encounter.incoming_referral was filled, set episode_origin to encounter

    1. Select episode where id== (select ME.encounter.episode.identifier.value where ME.service_requests.context.identifier.value where id==$.encounter.incoming_referral.identifier.value))

  12. In case diagnostic_reports.based_on was filled, set episode_origin to diagnostic report

    1. Select episode where id== (select ME.encounter.episode.identifier.value where ME.service_requests.context.identifier.value where id==$.diagnostic_reports.based_on.identifier.value))
