№ | Запит | Посилання на сторінку документації | Опис по змінах в документації |
1 | Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | d9171809-9c5e-36f7-ab17-a56a875b6d19 |
key | CSI-302 |
| /wiki/spaces/CSI/pages/16948199450 | Validate request(new rules) for capitation and reimbursement contract requests: if $contract_number and $end_date is passed in request: the year of $end_date must be greater or equal then the $start_date in case of error return 422 ('The year of end_date should be one year greater or equal to start_date')
the $end_date should be equal or greater than today and less than or equal to three month from $end_date the previous contract in case of error return 422 ('The end_date may be equal or greater than today and less than or equal to three month from end_date the previous contract')
if $contract_number w/o $end_date is passed in request: $end_date is taken from the previous contract.
2 | Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | d9171809-9c5e-36f7-ab17-a56a875b6d19 |
key | CSI-847 |
| Submit EDP, Submit DR , Create Episode , Create Procedure | Medical Events API added: For all PATCH / POST methods, the display_value fields are filled in automatically by the System and can be seen later by the user on GET requests. |
| Submit EDP | https://ehealthmedicaleventsapi.docs.apiary.io/#reference/medical-events/encounter-data-package/submit-encounter-package the display_value field is excluded from the description |
| Submit DR | https://ehealthmedicaleventsapi.docs.apiary.io/#reference/medical-events/diagnostic-report-data-package/submit-diagnostic-report-package the display_value field is excluded from the description |
| Create Episode | https://ehealthmedicaleventsapi.docs.apiary.io/#reference/medical-events/episode-of-care/create-episode the display_value field is excluded from the description |
| Create Procedure | https://ehealthmedicaleventsapi.docs.apiary.io/#reference/medical-events/procedures/create-procedure the display_value field is excluded from the description |
| Create CP Activity, Create Care Plan | Care plan technical requirements added: For all PATCH / POST methods, the display_value fields are not supported |
| Create CP Activity | https://ehealthmedicaleventsapi.docs.apiary.io/#reference/care-plan/create-care-plan-activity/create-care-plan-activity the display_value field is excluded from the description |
| Create Care Plan | https://ehealthmedicaleventsapi.docs.apiary.io/#reference/care-plan/create-care-plan/create-care-plan the display_value field is excluded from the description |
| Create Approval | added: розділ з описом по формуванню полів display_value https://e-health-ua.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/EH/pages/583403141/Create+approval#Request-Processing |
| https://ehealthmedicaleventsapi.docs.apiary.io/#reference/approvals/get-approvals/create-approval the display_value field is excluded from the description |
3 | Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | d9171809-9c5e-36f7-ab17-a56a875b6d19 |
key | CSI-846 |
| | Поле daily_amount мало структуру Quantity в БД, але повинно мати SimpleQuantity (без поля comparator) |