Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Table of Contents



  • plan - The request represents an intention to ensure something occurs without providing an authorization for others to act. Medication request with type plan can't be dispensed and only provide the instruction to administer the medicine. 

  • order - The request represents a request/demand and authorization for action. Medication request with type order can be dispensed



Page Properties


Посилання на Apiary або Swagger



Наприклад: /api/persons/create



Зазначається потрібний scope



Зазначається перелік бізнес компонентів, які використовують цей метод, наприклад: ePrescription


Перелік мікросервісів, які використовує метод API. Наприклад: Auth, ABAC

Protocol type


Тип протоколу, який використовується запитом, наприклад: SOAP | REST

Request type


Тип HTTP методу, який використовується запитом, наприклад: POST | GET…



Метод є синхронним чи асинхронним?





API paragraph not found


Input parameters




Request structure


See on Apiary


titleRequest example
Code Block
  "medication_request_request": {
    "person_id": "585044f5-1272-4bca-8d41-8440eefe7d26",
    "employee_id": "d290f1ee-6c54-4b01-90e6-d701748f0851",
    "division_id": "881d6dee-dd3d-43f3-8983-922354c0e6ce",
    "created_at": "2017-08-17",
    "started_at": "2017-08-17",
    "ended_at": "2017-09-16",
    "medication_id": "1349a693-4db1-4a3f-9ac6-8c2f9e541982",
    "medication_qty": 10.34,
    "medical_program_id": "59781de0-2e64-4359-b716-bcc05a32c10f",
    "intent": "plan",
    "category": "community",
    "based_on": [
        "identifier": {
          "type": {
            "coding": [
                "system": "eHealth/resources",
                "code": "care_plan"
          "value": "9183a36b-4d45-4244-9339-63d81cd08d9c"
        "identifier": {
          "type": {
            "coding": [
                "system": "eHealth/resources",
                "code": "activity"
          "value": "9183a36b-4d45-4244-9339-63d81cd08d9c"
    "context": {
      "identifier": {
        "type": {
          "coding": [
              "system": "eHealth/resources",
              "code": "encounter"
        "value": "9183a36b-4d45-4244-9339-63d81cd08d9c"
    "dosage_instruction": [
        "sequence": 1,
        "text": "0.25mg PO every 6-12 hours as needed for menses from Jan 15-20, 2015.  Do not exceed more than 4mg per day",
        "additional_instruction": [
            "coding": [
                "system": "eHealth/SNOMED/additional_dosage_instructions",
                "code": "311504000"
        "patient_instruction": "0.25mg PO every 6-12 hours as needed for menses from Jan 15-20, 2015.  Do not exceed more than 4mg per day",
        "timing": {
          "event": [
          "repeat": {
            "bounds_duration": {
              "value": 10,
              "unit": "days",
              "system": "eHealth/ucum/units",
              "code": "d"
            "count": 2,
            "count_max": 4,
            "duration": 4,
            "duration_max": 6,
            "duration_unit": "d",
            "frequency": 1,
            "frequency_max": 2,
            "period": 4,
            "period_max": 6,
            "period_unit": "d",
            "day_of_week": [
            "time_of_day": [
            "when": [
            "offset": 4
          "code": {
            "coding": [
                "system": "TIMING_ABBREVIATIONS",
                "code": "patient"
        "as_needed_boolean": true,
        "site": {
          "coding": [
              "system": "eHealth/SNOMED/anatomical_structure_administration_site_codes",
              "code": "344001"
        "route": {
          "coding": [
              "system": "eHealth/SNOMED/route_codes",
              "code": "46713006"
        "method": {
          "coding": [
              "system": "eHealth/SNOMED/administration_methods",
              "code": "419747000"
        "dose_and_rate": {
          "type": {
            "coding": [
                "system": "eHealth/dose_and_rate",
                "code": "'ordered'"
          "dose_range": {
            "low": {
              "value": 0,
              "unit": "mg",
              "system": "eHealth/ucum/units",
              "code": "mg"
            "high": {
              "value": 0,
              "unit": "mg",
              "system": "eHealth/ucum/units",
              "code": "mg"
          "rate_ratio": {
            "numerator": {
              "value": 0,
              "unit": "mg",
              "system": "eHealth/ucum/units",
              "code": "mg"
            "denominator": {
              "value": 0,
              "unit": "mg",
              "system": "eHealth/ucum/units",
              "code": "mg"
        "max_dose_per_period": {
          "numerator": {
            "value": 0,
            "unit": "mg",
            "system": "eHealth/ucum/units",
            "code": "mg"
          "denominator": {
            "value": 0,
            "unit": "mg",
            "system": "eHealth/ucum/units",
            "code": "mg"
        "max_dose_per_administration": {
          "value": 0,
          "unit": "mg",
          "system": "eHealth/ucum/units",
          "code": "mg"
        "max_dose_per_lifetime": {
          "value": 0,
          "unit": "mg",
          "system": "eHealth/ucum/units",
          "code": "mg"
    "priority": "routine",
    "prior_prescription": {
      "identifier": {
        "type": {
          "coding": [
              "system": "eHealth/resources",
              "code": "medication_request"
        "value": "9183a36b-4d45-4244-9339-63d81cd08d9c"
    "container_dosage": {
      "system": "MEDICATION_UNIT",
      "code": "ML",
      "value": 4


  1. Verify the validity of access token

  2. Check user scope (scope = 'medication_request_request:write') in order to perform this action

    1. In case error - generate 401 response




Authorization:Bearer c2778f3064753ea70de870a53795f5c9

Validate request


Validate request using JSON schema. 

  1. in case of error return 422 error with msg ("required property %{property} was not present")

Request data validation


Validate employee

Purpose validation: Validation of an employee for the possibility of creating a medication request.

  1. Invoke employee_id from request

  2. Validate employee

    1. Validate that exists

      1. in case invalid return 422 error with msg ("Employee not found")

    2. Validate that $.employees.status == APPROVED

      1. in case invalid return 409 error with msg ("Employee is not active")

    3. Validate that $.employees.legal_entity_id == client_id from token

      1. in case invalid return 422 error with msg ("Employee does not belong to legal entity from token")

    4. Validate that $.employees.employee_type == <employee_type>

      1. in case medical_program_id present in request validate medical_program_settings.skip_employee_validation == false (or absent)

        1. validate <employee_type>

          1. get $.medical_programs.medical_program_setting by medical_program_id from request

            1. validate that employee_type present in employee_types_for_create_medication_request variable

  3. in case invalid return 422 error with msg ("Employee type can't create medication request with medical program from request") 

  4. in case employee_type = DOCTOR

    1. if variable skip_medication_request_employee_declaration_verify = false or null/absent

      1. then: get $.declarations by employee_id, person_id, status=ACTIVE

        if not found - return 422 error  "Only doctors with an active declaration with the patient can create medication request!"

      2. else skip declaration verification on employee level (if true)

    2. if variable skip_medication_request_legal_entity_declaration_verify = false or null/absent

      1. then: get $.declarations by employee's legal_entity_id, person_id, status=ACTIVE

        if not found - return 422 error "Only legal entity with an active declaration with the patient can create medication request!"

      2. else skip declaration verification on legal entity level (if true)

    3. else if both are true - skip declaration verification at all

  5. in case employee_type = SPECIALIST

    1. get $.employees.speciality.speciality(speciality_officio == true)

    2. validate that speciality present in$.medical_programs.medical_program_setting.speciality_types_allowed variable

      1. in case invalid return 422 error with msg ("Employee's specialty doesn't allow create medication request with medical program from request")

  6. in case employee_type = <XXX>


  1. Validate that created_at, started_at, ended_at in date format

    1. in case invalid return 422 with msg ("expected \"%{actual}\" to be a valid ISO 8601 date")

  2. Validate ended_at >= started_at

    1. if invalid - return 422 error  (message: "Ended date must be >= Started date!")

  3. Validate started_at` >= created_at

    1. if invalid - return 422 error  (message: "Started date must be >= Created date!")

  4. Validate started_at >= current_date()

    1. if invalid - return 422 error  (message: "Started date must be >= current date!")

  5. Validate created_at >= current_date() - mrr_delay_input

    1. if invalid - return 422 error  (message: "Create date must be = current date!")

  6. Validate started_at regarding frequency of receiving drugs

    1. get $.medical_programs.medical_program_setting by medical_program_id from request

      1. validate skip_mnn_in_treatment_period variable

        1. in case skip_mnn_in_treatment_period == FALSE (or absent)

          1. validate request according to logic: PreQualify Medication request#2.Checkabsencethesamemedicationsfortheprograms

        2. in case skip_mnn_in_treatment_period == TRUE

          1. skip validating frequency of receiving drugs

  7. Validate created_at regarding frequency of receiving drugs

    1. get $.medical_programs.medical_program_setting by medical_program_id from request

      1. validate skip_mnn_in_treatment_period variable

        1. in case skip_mnn_in_treatment_period == FALSE (or absent)

          1. validate request according to logic: PreQualify Medication request#2.Checkabsencethesamemedicationsfortheprograms

        2. in case skip_mnn_in_treatment_period == TRUE

          1. skip validating frequency of receiving drugs

  8. Validate period length (ended_at - started_at):

    1. If medical program has been submitted:

      1. validate request according to logic: PreQualify Medication request: 7. Validate period

    2. else:

      1. Check that medication request period less than or equal to MEDICATION_REQUEST_MAX_PERIOD_DAY parameter from charts

        1. in case of error - return 409 “Period length exceeds default maximum value“


  1. Validate medical_program_id is present in the request

    1. in case of error return 422 ("required property medical_program_id was not present")

  2. Validate medical_program_id - medical_program_id exists

    1. in case of error return 422 ("Medical program not found")

  3. Validate context with encounter is present in the request

    1. in case of error return 422 ("Context with encounter is required as medical program is present in the request")

    2. encounter diagnosis is not empty in $.encounter.diagnosis

      1. in case of error return 422 ("Encounter without diagnosis can not be referenced")

  4. Validate medical_programs.medical_program_setting parameters

    1. check if care_plan_required == true then the request should contain a based_on with care plan and activity that contains the same medical program

      1. in case of error return 422 with msg ("Care plan and activity with the same medical program should be present in request")

    2. If there is CONDITIONS_ICD10_AM_ALLOWED parameter, then:

      1. Check if primary diagnosis from the encounter in context has code from eHealth/ICD10_AM/condition_codes dictionary

        1. Check diagnosis code in CONDITIONS_ICD10_AM_ALLOWED

          1. in case of error - return 422 “Encounter in context has no primary diagnosis allowed for the medical program“

    3. If there is CONDITIONS_ICPC2_ALLOWED parameter, then:

      1. Check if primary diagnosis from the encounter in context has code from eHealth/ICPC2/condition_codes dictionary

        1. Check diagnosis code in CONDITIONS_ICPC2_ALLOWED

          1. in case of error - return 422 “Encounter in context has no primary diagnosis allowed for the medical program“

    4. if skip_medication_request_employee_declaration_verify = false or null/absent

      1. then: get $.declarations by employee_id, person_id, status=ACTIVE

        1. if not found - return 422 error  "Only doctors with an active declaration with the patient can create medication request!"

      2. else skip declaration verification on employee level (if true)

    5. if skip_medication_request_legal_entity_declaration_verify = false or null/absent

      1. then: get $.declarations by employee's legal_entity_id, person_id, status=ACTIVE

        1. if not found - return 422 error "Only legal entity with an active declaration with the patient can create medication request!"

      2. else skip declaration verification on legal entity level (if true)

Validate multiplicity & medication request allowed for participants


Parameters that are used when processing the request

Configuration parameters

Наприклад: Доступ до методу визначається скоупом covid_certificate:get . Дозвіл на даний скоуп визначається адміністратором Системи шляхом конфігурування скоупів в контексті клієнтів і ролей.


Потрібно вказати словники, які використовує метод API



Generate number & verification_code for Medication request


Code Block
"urgent": {
    "authentication_method_current": {
      "type": "OTP",
      "number": "+38093*****85"

Response structure


See on Apiary


titleResponse example
Code Block
  "meta": {
    "code": "422",
    "url": "",
    "type": "object",
    "request_id": "req-adasdoijasdojsda"
  "error": {
    "type": "unverified",
    "message": "Only active employee with type DOCTOR can create medication request!"

Post-processing processes


NoneAPI paragraph not found

HTTP status codes

HTTP status code


What caused the error


 Response Response



 Only active employee with type DOCTOR can create medication request!Error


Backward compatibility

Сумісність з попередніми версіями методуAPI paragraph not found