DLS.healthcare_service_licenses register is managed by NHS: when new data inserts - previous should be cleared. Register must contain only actual license statuses for healthcare services.
NHS sets license statuses for healthcare services selected from healthcare_services table (see table specs)
Data in register should be updated at least once in twenty-four hours
eHealth performs replication of healthcare_service_licenses table from DLS to PRM database, saving statuses in PRM.licensed_healthcare_services table, log history on PRM.
PRM.licensed_healthcare_services table isn't clears. The new records are inserts, existing - updates.
Once in N interval (where N - cron value of DLS_HEALTHCARE_SERVICE_LICENSES_SCHEDULE parameter), Processor app selects all records from PRM.healthcare_service_licenses table (table specs). Each entry should be processed with next logic:
Once in N interval (where N - cron value of DLS_HEALTHCARE_SERVICE_LICENSES_SCHEDULE parameter), Processor app selects all records from PRM.healthcare_service_licenses table (table specs). Each entry should be processed with next logic: