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Якщо інформації по відповідному параметру немає, потрібно зазначити: “APIparagraph not found”.
The process is initiated by Legal Entity's side and involves the signature previously signed contract request.
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This WS is designed to sign contract request from MSP side. Contract request's status must be in status ='NHS_SIGNED'. EDRPOU in DS certeficate = contractor_owner_id.lega_entity.edrpou and suranme in DS=contractor_owner_id.party_id.last_name Method receives signed message (pkcs7) including signed content, digital signature of first signer, digital stamp of first signer, digital signature of second signer and signer public key in signed_content property. All signature fields will be validated (including signer certificate authority). This service will store signed copy of Contract Request in Media Content Storage (will update previous version of file),created contract records and linked employees_divisions if signature is all checks is passed. Object that need to be signed is returned by Get Contract request by ID, urgent, type='signed_content'. In response will be receive a link to download a file in pkcs7 format (signed by NHS side). This data must be signed.
Request to process the request using a token in the headers
Authorization:Bearer c2778f3064753ea70de870a53795f5c9