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Table of Contents



Table of Contents


Code Block
Fields to filter service in the system.
input ServiceFilter {
  "Primary key identifier from the database."
  databaseId: UUID
  "Service name."
  name: String
  "Service code."
  code: String
  "Flag whether `Service` is active or not?"
  isActive: Boolean
  "Service category. The value should be present in the `SERVICE_CATEGORY` dictionary."
  category: String

Methods to use when ordering `Services`.
enum ServiceOrderBy {
  "Orders by the object’s `code` field in the ascending order."
  "Orders by the object’s `code` field in the descending order."
  "Sort Service by inserted_at in ascending order."
  "Sort Service by inserted_at in descending order."
  "Sort Services by name in ascending order."
  "Sort Services by name in descending order."

A connection to a list of `Service` items.
type ServiceConnection {
  "Information to aid in pagination."
  pageInfo: PageInfo!
  "A list of nodes."
  nodes: [Service]
  "A list of edges."
  edges: [ServiceEdge]

An edge in a connection of `Service`.
type ServiceEdge {
  "The item at the end of the edge."
  node: Service!
  "A cursor for use in pagination."
  cursor: String!

Input for `createService` mutation.
User must have scopes **service_catalog:write**
input CreateServiceInput {
  "Service name"
  name: String!
  "Service code"
  code: String!
  "Service category. The value should be present in the `SERVICE_CATEGORY` dictionary."
  category: String
  "Service isComposition flag"
  isComposition: Boolean
  "Service requestAllowed flag"
  requestAllowed: Boolean

Return type for `createService` mutation.
type CreateServicePayload {
  "Created `Service`."
  service: Service

Input for `updateService` mutation.
User must have scopes **service_catalog:write**
input UpdateServiceInput {
  "The ID of an object"
  id: ID!
  "Whether requesting allowed for the `Service` or not?"
  requestAllowed: Boolean

Return type for `updateService` mutation.
type UpdateServicePayload {
  "Update `Service`."
  service: Service

Input for `deactivateService` mutation.
User must have scopes **service_catalog:write**
input DeactivateServiceInput {
  "The ID of an object"
  id: ID!

Return type for `deactivateService` mutation.
type DeactivateServicePayload {
  "Deactivated `Service`."
  service: Service

Services that provided by legal entity. User must have a scope **service_catalog:read**
type Service implements Node {
  "The ID of an object"
  id: ID!
  "Primary key identifier from the database"
  databaseId: UUID!
  "Service name"
  name: String!
  "Service code"
  code: String!
  "Service category. The value should be present in the `SERVICE_CATEGORY` dictionary."
  category: String
  "Whether `Service` is active or not?"
  isActive: Boolean!
  "Whether requesting services allowed for the `Service` or not?"
  requestAllowed: Boolean
  "Whether the `Service` is composion or not?"
  isComposition: Boolean

  "Reads and enables pagination through a set of parent `ServiceGroup`."
    "A condition to be used in determining which values should be returned by the collection."
    filter: ServiceGroupFilter
    "The method to use when ordering collection items."
    orderBy: ServiceGroupOrderBy
    "Read all values in the set after (below) this cursor."
    after: String
    "Read all values in the set before (above) this cursor."
    before: String
    "Only read the first _n_ values of the set."
    first: Int
    "Only read the last _n_ values of the set."
    last: Int
  ): ServiceGroupConnection!

  "Date and time when record was inserted"
  insertedAt: DateTime!
  "Date and time when record was updated"
  updatedAt: DateTime!

titleFeatures - Get all
Code Block
Feature: Get all services

  Scenario Outline: Request items filtered by condition
    Given the following services exist:
      | <field>           |
      | <alternate_value> |
      | <expected_value>  |
    And my scope is "service_catalog:read"
    And my client type is "NHS"
    When I request first 10 services where <field> is <filter_value>
    Then no errors should be returned
    And I should receive collection with 1 item
    And the <field> of the first item in the collection should be <expected_value>

      | field      | filter_value                           | expected_value                         | alternate_value                        |
      | databaseId | "85a3f45f-1cfa-4595-ac57-79a9d39ee329" | "85a3f45f-1cfa-4595-ac57-79a9d39ee329" | "4c3f59da-727a-48cf-8e7c-eb5b36578133" |
      | name       | "нейросоно"                            | "Нейросонографія"                      | "Ехоенцефалографія"                    |
      | isActive   | true                                   | true                                   | false                                  |
      | code       | "AF2"                                  | "AF2 01"                               | "BF2"                                  |
      | category   | "УЗі"                                  | "УЗІ кишечника"                        | "аналіз крові"                         |

  Scenario Outline: Request items ordered by field values
    Given the following services exist:
      | <field>           |
      | <alternate_value> |
      | <expected_value>  |
    And my scope is "service_catalog:read"
    And my client type is "NHS"
    When I request first 10 services sorted by <field> in <direction> order
    Then no errors should be returned
    And I should receive collection with 2 items
    And the <field> of the first item in the collection should be <expected_value>

      | field      | direction  | expected_value                | alternate_value               |
      | insertedAt | ascending  | "2016-01-15T14:00:00.000000Z" | "2017-05-13T17:00:00.000000Z" |
      | insertedAt | descending | "2017-05-13T17:00:00.000000Z" | "2016-01-15T14:00:00.000000Z" |
      | name       | ascending  | "Ехоенцефалографія"           | "Нейросонографія"             |
      | name       | descending | "Нейросонографія"             | "Ехоенцефалографія"           |
      | code       | ascending  | "AF2"                         | "BF2"                         |
      | code       | descending | "BF2"                         | "BF1"                         |

Input parameters (filters)

  • id (optional)

  • code (optional)

  • name (optional, as `LIKE *`)

  • category (optional, from `SERVICE_CATALOG` dictionary)

  • isActive (optional)

Logic WS

  1. Check user scopes in order to perform this action (scope = 'service_catalog:read')

  2. Search Services by filters in payload

    Code Block
    SELECT * FROM services