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Table of Contents


  1. Search party_id by tax_id (tax_id or passport_number) and birth_date for deduplication Party
    1. If found, update object party - Update party WS
    2. If not found, - Create object party 
  2. Update Party.  See specification

    1. The following fields can't be changed:

      1. tax_id (tax_id or passport_number) 
      2. birth_date
    2. If doctor object in ER is null, don't update party.eductions/party.qualifications/party.specialities/party.science_degree. Otherwise update those objects.
    3. if about_myself/working_experience is null or empty string - don't update correspondent fields in parties.
  3. Create party WS. See specification
    1. create related entity party-user in PRM 
  4. Chech employee_id in request
    1. if employee_id is exist in request, Update employee.
    2. if  employee_id is not exist, Create employee.
  5. Update employee. See specification
    1. The following fields can't be changed:
      1. employee_type
      2. legal_entity_id
      3. start_date
    2. if employee_type = 'DOCTOR', 'SPECIALIST' or 'ASSISTANT' update doctor object
    3. if one of next fields were changed:
      1. first_name
      2. second_name
      3. last_name
        find contracts with contractor_owner_id=$owner_id and status='VERIFIED'. Set ops.contracts.is_suspended=true
  6. Create new employee. See specification
    1. If (employee_type = OWNER || employee_type = PHARMACY_OWNER) : deactivate all other records with the employee_type = OWNER
      or employee_type = PHARMACY_OWNER for the legal_entity,
      where new owner is creating:


In case new OWNER was added find contracts with contractor_owner_id=$old_owner_id and status='VERIFIED'.

Set ops.contracts.is_suspended=true
