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Required parameters are marked with "*"

Якщо інформації по відповідному параметру немає, потрібно зазначити: “APIparagraph not found”.


API paragraph not found



Page Properties







Service request


API paragraph not found

Protocol type


Request type







  • Verify the validity of access token

    • Return (401, 'unauthorized') in case of validation fails

  • Verify that token is not expired

    • in case of error - return (401, 'unauthorized')

  • Check user scopes in order to perform this action (scope = 'service_request:use')

    1. Return (403, 'invalid scopes') in case of invalid scope(s)

Request to process the request using a token in the headers



  • Content-Type:application/json

  • Authorization:Bearer mF_9.B5f-4.1JqM

  • api-key:aFBLVTZ6Z2dON1V


Only active and unused (released) service request with a specified medical program can be used

  1. Get service request by ID

  2. Service request contains medical program

    1. $.program is NOT NULL

      1. in case of error return 409 "Service request without a program can not be used"

  3. Service request must be active

    1. $.status  == "active"

      1. in case of error return 409 "Invalid service request status"

  4. Service request must be unused

    1. $.used_by_legal_enity is empty object

      1. in case of error return 409 "Service request is already used"

Validate program

  1. Validate program is an existing service program (type=service)

    1. in case not found or is_active==false return 422  "Program not found"

    2. in case type!= service return 409 "Invalid program type"

  2.  Service(or service_group) is an active member of the program

    1. Select request_allowed, is_active from PRM.program_services where service_id(or group_id) == $.signed_content.code.identifier.value and program_id=$.program.identifier.value

      1. if not found or is_active==false return 409 "Service is not included in the program"

  3. Qualify service request

    1. if medical program exists in request 

      1.  invoke qualify for medical program in in use request

    2. if not exists

      1. invoke qualify in SR, if it is in SR

Validate request

  1. Get token metadata

    1. Extract user_idclient_idclient_type

  2. Ensure that employee belongs to client

    1. $.used_by_employee.identifier.type.coding[*].system == "eHealth/resources"

    2. $.used_by_employee.identifier.type.coding[*].code == "employee"

    3. $.used_by_employee.identifier.value must belong to client_id (prm.employees.legal_entity_id == :client_id)

      1. in case of error return 422 "You can assign service request only to employee within your legal entity"

  3. Check employee_type - only DOCTOR  or SPECIALIST can use service request

    1. employee_type == DOCTOR OR SPECIALIST OR ASSISTANT if service_request.category="laboratory_procedure", OR "diagnostic_procedure" OR "procedure"

    2. else  employee_type == DOCTOR OR SPECIALIST

      1. in case of error, return 422 "Invalid employee type"

  4. Validate used_by_legal_entity is a current legal_entity

    1. $.used_by_legal_entity.identifier.value==token.client_id

      1. in case of error return 409 "You can assign service request only to your legal entity"

  5. Validate used_by_division

    1. if SR.category = hospitalization

      1. validate used_by_division is sent, in case error return 422, "Division is mandatory for $category category"

      2. validate used_by_division.legal_entity_id = used_by_legal_entity_id

    2.  Is SR.category = transfer_of_care

      1. validate used_by_division is sent, in case error return 422, "Division is mandatory for $category category"

      2. Validate $division.legal_entity_id = SR.Performer, in case error return 422, "Patient is transferred to another legal entity"


Service logic

  1. Update service request attributes

    1. Set Medical Events DB

      1. If used_by_employee exists in requests set service_requests[<id>].used_by_employee = Request: $.used_by_employee

      2. set service_requests[<id>].used_by_legal_entity = Request: $.used_by_legal_entity

    2. if medical program exists in request

      1. Set Medical Events DB: service_requests[<id>].medical_program = Request: $.medical_program.identifier.value

  2. Change program_processing_status to `in_queue`

Response structure*

See on Apiary
