Returns declaration requests that were created through V2 and V3
Key features
Fields person_id
and data_to_be_signed
will be empty if declaration request is created by V2.
Only authenticated and authorized user can use declaration request
The service returns only a declaration request that was created in the same legal entity as the user
Link | |
Resource | /api/v3/declaration_requests/{{id}} |
Scope | declaration_request:read |
Components | Declarations |
Using Microservices | il/api ops/api |
Protocol type | REST |
Request type | GET |
Sync/Async | API paragraph not found |
Public/Private/Internal | Public |
API paragraph not foundFields person_id
and data_to_be_signed
will be empty if declaration request is created by V2.
Input parameters
Filter | Values | Type | Description | Example |
id |
| String | request identifier |
This endpoint shows the declaration requests which are created by V2 and V3. Due to the fact that structure of declaration request V2 is different from the structure of decl declaration request V3 , so not all fields od decl of declaration request v2 can be displayed.