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This WS allows to get declaration by its human readable unique number in Admin panel.

Key points

  1. This is a graphQl method used in Administration panel only.

  2. Only authenticated and authorized NHS employee with appropriate scope can get declaration by its human readable unique number.


Page Properties


Посилання на Apiary або Swagger


Посилання на ресурс, наприклад: /api/persons/create


Scope для доступу


Зазначається перелік бізнес компонентів, які використовують цей метод, наприклад: ePrescription


Перелік мікросервісів, які використовує метод API, наприклад: Auth, ABAC

Protocol type

Тип протоколу, який використовується запитом, наприклад: SOAP | REST

Request type

Тип запиту API, наприклад: GET, POST, PATCH…


Метод є синхронним чи асинхронним?



Потрібно зазначити тип методу за ступенем доступності

Code Block
"Reads a single `Declaration` using its human readable unique number."
declarationByNumber(declarationNumber: String!): Declaration
Code Block
Declaration combines data about Patient, Employee, LegalEntity and Division.
In order to obtain details user must have a scope `declaration:read`.
type Declaration implements Node {
  "The ID of an object"
  id: ID!
  "Primary key identifier from the database"
  databaseId: UUID!
  "unique human redable number of declaration"
  declarationNumber: String!
  "The date when declaration takes effect"
  startDate: Date!
  "The date wher declaration ends."
  endDate: Date!
  "The date when declaration is signed by doctor."
  signedAt: DateTime!
  "Status ah yhe declaration, is set automatically."
  status: DeclarationStatus!
  "type of declaration, as for now it's only one type =`family_doctor`"
  scope: String
  "The reason of declining the declaration, is set automatically on declining declaration."
  reason: String
  "Free text for declining declaration, is filled by the person who declined declaration."
  reasonDescription: String
  "Legal entity information, where declaration was signed."
  legalEntity: LegalEntity!
  "Patient information."
  person: Person!
  "Division in legal entity where medical services are provided."
  division: Division!
  "Doctor information, who signed declaration."
  employee: Employee!
  "Documents which were attahced to declarations."
  declarationAttachedDocuments: [DeclarationAttachedDocument]

List of declaration statuses.
enum DeclarationStatus {
  "Status `Active` for declaration."
  "Status `CLOSED` for declaration."
  "Status `PENDING_VERIFICATION` for declaration."
  "Status `REJECTED` for declaration."
  "Status `TERMINATED` for declaration."

Structure of documents attached to the declaration.
type DeclarationAttachedDocument {
  "The type of document."
  type: String!
  "Link for uploading scan copies of the documnet, is generated by e-Health."
  url: String!



  1. Get data from ops DB:

    1. declarations by declaration_number

  2. Render a response according to specification.


  • Verify the validity of access token

    • in case of error - return 401 (“Invalid access token”) in case of validation fails

  • Verify that token is not expired

    • in case of error - return 401 (“Invalid access token”)

  • Check user scopes in order to perform this action (scope = 'declaration:read')

    • return 403 (“Your scope does not allow to access this resource. Missing allowances: declaration:read”) in case of invalid scope(s)

Request data validation*

Validate legal entity

  • Extract client_id from token.

  • Check client scopes in order to perform this action (scope = 'declaration:read')

    • in case of error - return 403 (“Your scope does not allow to access this resource. Missing allowances: declaration:read”)

  • Check client type (type = NHS)

    • In case of error - return 403 ('You don't have permission to access this resource')


  • Check declaration_number submitted

    • in case not submitted - return 422 ('required property declaration_id was not present')

    • in case does not exist in OPS db - return 404 ('Declaration not found')

Service logic


Get data from ops DB:

  1. declarations by declaration_number



API paraagraph not found

Response structure*

API paraagraph not found

Post-processing processes*

API paraagraph not found

HTTP status codes*

API paraagraph not found