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titleFeatures - Create Service group
Code Block
Feature: Create service group

  Scenario: Successful creation
    Given my scope is "service_catalog:write"
    And my client type is "NHS"
    And my consumer ID is "1ad3c0e6-e2fc-2d3c-a15c-5101874165a7"
    When I create service group with attributes:
      | name                                     | code  |
      | "Ультразвукові дослідження в неврології" | "2FA" |
    Then no errors should be returned
    And request id should be returned
    And I should receive requested item
    And the name of the requested item should be "Ультразвукові дослідження в неврології"

  Scenario: Successful creation with parent group
    Given the following service groups exist:
      | databaseId                             | requestAllowed |
      | "f4ce3fdf-d49b-426c-9636-8b186db75d73" | false          |
    And my scope is "service_catalog:write"
    And my client type is "NHS"
    And my consumer ID is "1ad3c0e6-e2fc-2d3c-a15c-5101874165a7"
    When I create service group with attributes:
      | name                                     | code  | parentGroupId                                                          |
      | "Ультразвукові дослідження в неврології" | "2FA" | "U2VydmljZUdyb3VwOmY0Y2UzZmRmLWQ0OWItNDI2Yy05NjM2LThiMTg2ZGI3NWQ3Mw==" |
    Then no errors should be returned
    And request id should be returned
    And I should receive requested item
    And the databaseId in parentGroup of the requested item should be "f4ce3fdf-d49b-426c-9636-8b186db75d73"

  Scenario: Successful creation with deactivated existing code
    Given the following service groups exist:
      | code  | isActive |
      | "2FA" | false    |
    And my scope is "service_catalog:write"
    And my client type is "NHS"
    And my consumer ID is "1ad3c0e6-e2fc-2d3c-a15c-5101874165a7"
    When I create service group with attributes:
      | name                                     | code  |
      | "Ультразвукові дослідження в неврології" | "2FA" |
    Then no errors should be returned
    And request id should be returned
    And I should receive requested item
    And the code of the requested item should be "2FA"

  Scenario: Create with incorrect scope
    Given my scope is "service_catalog:read"
    And my consumer ID is "04796283-74b8-4632-9f7f-9e227ae9426e"
    When I create service group with attributes:
      | name                                     | code  |
      | "Ультразвукові дослідження в неврології" | "2FA" |
    Then the "FORBIDDEN" error should be returned
    And request id should be returned
    And I should not receive requested item

  Scenario: Create with incorrect client
    Given my scope is "service_catalog:write"
    And my client type is "MSP"
    And my consumer ID is "089c0204-a191-4537-ab92-56dca268443c"
    When I create service group with attributes:
      | name                                     | code  |
      | "Ультразвукові дослідження в неврології" | "2FA" |
    Then the "FORBIDDEN" error should be returned
    And request id should be returned
    And I should not receive requested item

  Scenario Outline: Create with invalid params
    Given my scope is "service_catalog:write"
    And my client type is "NHS"
    And my consumer ID is "94e4301f-2d28-4403-b59f-b5865e9ca26f"
    When I create service group with attributes:
      | name   | code   |
      | <name> | <code> |
    Then the "UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY" error should be returned
    And request id should be returned
    And I should not receive requested item

      | name                           | code  |
      | ""                             | "2FA" |
      | "Діагностичні інструментальні" | ""    |

  Scenario: Create with already existing code
    Given the following service groups exist:
      | code  | isActive |
      | "2FA" | true     |
    And my scope is "service_catalog:write"
    And my client type is "NHS"
    And my consumer ID is "1ad3c0e6-e2fc-2d3c-a15c-5101874165a7"
    When I create service group with attributes:
      | name                                     | code  |
      | "Ультразвукові дослідження в неврології" | "2FA" |
    Then the "UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY" error should be returned
    And request id should be returned
    And I should not receive requested item

  Scenario: Create with parent group allowed to request
    Given the following service groups exist:
      | databaseId                             | requestAllowed |
      | "f4ce3fdf-d49b-426c-9636-8b186db75d73" | true           |
    And my scope is "service_catalog:write"
    And my client type is "NHS"
    And my consumer ID is "1ad3c0e6-e2fc-2d3c-a15c-5101874165a7"
    When I create service group with attributes:
      | name                                     | code  | parentGroupId                                                          |
      | "Ультразвукові дослідження в неврології" | "2FA" | "U2VydmljZUdyb3VwOmY0Y2UzZmRmLWQ0OWItNDI2Yy05NjM2LThiMTg2ZGI3NWQ3Mw==" |
    Then the "CONFLICT" error should be returned
    And request id should be returned
    And I should not receive requested item



Input parameter










  1. Verify the validity of access token

  2. Check user scope (scope = 'service_catalog:write') in order to perform this action

    1. In case error - generate 401 response


  1. Check that all elements in array of code are different  where service_groups.is_active = True.

    1. in case of error return 422 error (message `codes are duplicated`)

Validate parent Group

Check on existing parentGroup in Service Groups. 

  1. Check exist `Service Groups` by $.service_group[].id.

    1. if invalid - return 422 error (message: "parent Group in Service Group not found")


  1. Search `Service Groups` ($.service_group[].id). Check exist any service_group.is_active=FALSE.

    1. if exists - return 422 error (message: "Service Group is not active")


  1. Search `Service Groups` ($.service_group[].id). Check exist service_group.request_allowed=TRUE.

    1. if exists - return 422 error (message: "Parent ServiceGroup should not be allowed to request")


Create new Service Group

  1. Create new record in Service_groups

  2. Fill data 






















Response structure

API paragraph not found
