Table of Contents | ||||
Request to process the request using a token in the headers
Authorization:Bearer mF_9.B5f-4.1JqM
Validate transition
Only active and unused (released) service request with a specified medical program can be used
Get service request by ID
Service request contains medical program
$.program is NOT NULL
in case of error return 409 "Service request without a program can not be used"
Service request must be valid by the expiration date
$.expiration_date should be greater than or equal to current date
in case of error return 409 "Service request is expired"
Service request must be active
$.status == "active"
in case of error return 409 "Invalid Can't use inactive service request status"
Service request must be unused$.used_by_legal_enity is empty objectin case of error return 409 "Service request is already used"
Service request is not completed according to program_processing_status
in case of error return 409 "Service request is already completed"
Validate program
Validate program is an existing service program (type=service)
in case not found or is_active==false return 422 "Program not found"
in case type!= service return 409 "Invalid program type"
Service(or service_group) is an active member of the program
Select request_allowed, is_active from PRM.program_services where service_id(or group_id) == $.signed_content.code.identifier.value and program_id=$.program.identifier.value
if not found or is_active==false return 409 "Service is not included in the program"
Qualify service request
Get token metadata
Extract user_id, client_id, client_type
Ensure that employee belongs to client
$.used_by_employee.identifier.type.coding[*].system == "eHealth/resources"
$.used_by_employee.identifier.type.coding[*].code == "employee"
$.used_by_employee.identifier.value must belong to client_id (prm.employees.legal_entity_id == :client_id)
in case of error return 422 "You can assign service request only to employee within your legal entity"
Check employee_type:
in $.used_by_employee field validate employee_type:
if service_request.category="laboratory_procedure", "diagnostic_procedure" OR "procedure" check employee_type == DOCTOR, SPECIALIST, ASSISTANT OR LABORANT
else employee_type == DOCTOR OR SPECIALIST
in case of error, return 422 "Invalid employee type"
Validate used_by_legal_entity is a current legal_entity
in case of error return 409 "You can assign service request only to your legal entity"
Validate used_by_division
if SR.category = hospitalization
validate used_by_division is sent, in case error return 422, "Division is mandatory for $category category"
validate used_by_division.legal_entity_id = used_by_legal_entity_id
Is SR.category = transfer_of_care
validate used_by_division is sent, in case error return 422, "Division is mandatory for $category category"
Validate $division.legal_entity_id = SR.Performer, in case error return 422, "Patient is transferred to another legal entity"