Table of Contents | ||||
Request to process the request using a token in the headers
Authorization:Bearer mF_9.B5f-4.1JqM
Get service request by ID
Service request contains medical program
$.program is NOT NULL
in case of error return 409 "Service request without a program can not be used"
Service request must be valid by the expiration date
$.expiration_date should be greater than or equal to current date
in case of error return 409 "Service request is expired"
Service request must be active
$.status == "active"
in case of error return 409 "Can't use inactive service request"
Service request must be unused$.used_by_legal_enity is empty objectin case of error return 409 "Service request is already used"
Service request is not completed according to program_processing_status
in case of error return 409 "Service request is already completed"
Validate program
Validate program is an existing service program (type=service)
in case not found or is_active==false return 422 "Program not found"
in case type!= service return 409 "Invalid program type"
Service(or service_group) is an active member of the program
Select request_allowed, is_active from PRM.program_services where service_id(or group_id) == $.signed_content.code.identifier.value and program_id=$.program.identifier.value
if not found or is_active==false return 409 "Service is not included in the program"
Qualify service request
Get token metadata
Extract user_id, client_id, client_type
Ensure that employee belongs to client
$.used_by_employee.identifier.type.coding[*].system == "eHealth/resources"
$.used_by_employee.identifier.type.coding[*].code == "employee"
$.used_by_employee.identifier.value must belong to client_id (prm.employees.legal_entity_id == :client_id)
in case of error return 422 "You can assign service request only to employee within your legal entity"
Check employee_type:
in $.used_by_employee field validate employee_type:
if service_request.category="laboratory_procedure", "diagnostic_procedure" OR "procedure" check employee_type == DOCTOR, SPECIALIST, ASSISTANT OR LABORANT
else employee_type == DOCTOR OR SPECIALIST
in case of error, return 422 "Invalid employee type"
Validate used_by_legal_entity is a current legal_entity
in case of error return 409 "You can assign service request only to your legal entity"
Validate used_by_divisionif SR.category = hospitalizationvalidate used_by_division is sent, in case error return 422, "Division is mandatory for $category category"validate used_by_division.legal_entity_id = used_by_legal_entity_id
Is SR.category = transfer_of_carevalidate used_by_division is sent, in case error return 422, "Division is mandatory for $category category"Validate $division.legal_entity_id = SR.Performer, in case error return 422, "Patient is transferred to another legal entity"
Validate reuse allowed
If service request has already been used by legal entity and another legal entity wants to reuse it, then check the period for the prohibition of reuse has passed:
If used_by_legal_entity is different from current legal_entity:
Get the latest entity from used_by_legal_entity_history.
Compare that the difference (in minutes) between the current datetime and inserted_at of the latest entity is greater than the SERVICE_REQUEST_REUSE_AFTER_MINUTES chart param. Сonsider that the SERVICE_REQUEST_REUSE_AFTER_MINUTES is equal to zero minutes if it is empty or absent.
in case it less - return 409 error “Reuse is temporarily blocked. It will be allowed after <SERVICE_REQUEST_REUSE_AFTER_MINUTES - difference> minutes“
Service logic
Update service request attributes
Set Medical Events DB:
If used_by_employee exists in requests set service_requests[<id>].used_by_employee = Request: $.used_by_employee
set service_requests[<id>].used_by_legal_entity = Request: $.used_by_legal_entity
if medical program exists in request
Set Medical Events DB: service_requests[<id>].medical_program = Request: $.medical_program.identifier.value
Fill program_processing_status_history
Change program_processing_status to `in_queue`Change program_processing_status to `in_progress`
Fill used_by_legal_entity_history
Fill used_by_employee_history
Response structure
See on Apiary