Return type for `createProgramMedication` mutation.
type CreateProgramMedicationPayload {
"Created `ProgramMedication`."
programMedication: ProgramMedication
Program Medication linkes medication and medical program.
In order to obtain details user must have a scope **program_medication:read**
type ProgramMedication implements Node {
"The ID of an object."
id: ID!
"Primary key identifier from the database."
databaseId: UUID!
medicalProgram: MedicalProgram!
medication: Medication!
"Reimbursement information."
reimbursement: Reimbursement!
"Factory gate price for package of medications"
wholesalePrice: Float
"Consumer price for package of medications"
consumerPrice: Float
"Reimbuersement amount for recommended daily dosage of medication"
reimbursementDailyDosage: Float
"The estimatied amount which patient should pay for package of medications after reimbursement"
estimatedPaymentAmount: Float
"Start date of action for this entry"
startDate: Date
"End date for this entry"
endDate: Date
"General registry identifier"
registryNumber: String
"Whether `ProgramMedication` is active or not?"
isActive: Boolean!
"Whether requesting medications allowed for the `ProgramMedication` or not?"
medicationRequestAllowed: Boolean!
"Date and time when record was inserted"
insertedAt: DateTime!
"Date and time when record was updated"
updatedAt: DateTime!
"Max Daily dose of medication, limited by WHO. Null will be returned, if this field has not been set in register."
maxDailyDosage: Float