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Table of Contents


  1. Validate used_by_legal_entity

    1. ME.service_request.used_by_legal_enity.identifier.value=token.client_id

      1. in case of error return 409 "Service request is used by another legal entity" 

  2. Validate program_processing_status                                     

    1. ME.service_request.program_processing_status  == "in_progress"

      1. in case of error return 409 "Invalid program processing status status"

  3. Validate completed_with if exist:

    1. $.completed_with as a Reference(encounter| diagnostic_report| procedure)

    2. if ME.service_request.category and resource according to config file

    3. $.completed_with.managing_organization== token.client_id

      1. Could not complete service request with an entity, created by another legal entity

    4. SR could be completed only with resource that referenced this SR

      1. in case error return 422, msg "$completed_with.code is not connected with this SR"

    5. If SR.category in ('hospitalization', 'transfer_of_care') validate resource is encounter.type = discharge

      1. in case error, return 422, "Service request with category $category could not be completed with current resource"

    6. if $.completed_with.identifier.code == “encounter”:

      1. check that episode from encounters.episode has status “active”

        1. in case of error return 422 “Encounter refers to episode that is not active"

    7. if completed_with in request - validate that program_service is in request

      1. in case of error return 422 "Required property $.program_service was not present"

  4. Validate program_service

    1. $.program_service is an existing record from PRM.program_services where is_active=true

      1. in case of error return 422 "Program service does not exist"

    2. $.program_service should be only as a service (check that PRM.program_service.service_id IS NOT NULL)

      1. in case of error return 422 "Program service with service group is not allowed for completing current resource"

  5. Validate that service code from completed with and from program service (if both exist) matches (except service requests  where category in ('hospitalization', 'transfer_of_care')):

    1. if completed_with.identifier.type.coding[].code="diagnostic_report" or "procedure" than

      1. completed_with.code.identifier.value==program_service.service_id (enrich from ME and PRM)

    2. else if completed_with.identifier.type.coding[].code="encounter"

      1. if ME.service_request.code.identifier.type.coding[].code="service"

        1. ME.service_request.code.identifier.value==program_service.service_id (enrich from ME and PRM)

      2. if service_request.code.identifier.type.coding[].code="service_group"

        1. there is a record in status active in PRM.service_inclusions where PRM.service_inclusions.service_group_id=ME.service_request.code.identifier.value and  PRM.service_inclusions.service_id=program_service.service_id

    3. in case of error return 409 "Services from program service and completed with does not match"

  6. Validate the service request has been referenced by at least one not entered_in_error procedure/encounter/diagnostic_report.

    1. in case of error - return 409 error ('Service request must be referenced by at least one procedure, encounter or diagnostic_report that is not entered_in_error ')

  7. Validate status_reason filled according to eHealth/service_request_complete_reasons dictionary

    1. in case system is another dictionary - return 422 error ('not allowed in enum')

    2. in case code value is not active in corresponding dictionary - return 422 error ("Value is not active")
