Table of Contents |
Then person will be verified online with DRACS death acts registry via separate process: Online verification of Persons with DRACS death acts registry
DRACS birth acts registry verification
If person’s data match any of the following rules:
Person is created and persons age <= no_self_auth_age and person has document with type BIRTH_CERTIFICATE (check in Request, within $.person.documents)
Person is created and persons age > no_self_auth_age and person has only document with type BIRTH_CERTIFICATE (check in Request, within $.person.documents)
Person is updated and persons age <= no_self_auth_age and person has document with type BIRTH_CERTIFICATE (check in Request, within $.person.documents) and following fields are updated:
document.number with type = ‘BIRTH_CERTIFICATE’
Person is updated and persons age > no_self_auth_age and person has only document with type BIRTH_CERTIFICATE (check in Request, within $.person.documents) and following fields are updated:
document.number with type = ‘BIRTH_CERTIFICATE’
thenonline verification with DRACS birth acts registry needed. Set to person verification record:
dracs_birth_act_id = null
dracs_birth_verification_status = VERIFICATION_NEEDED
dracs_birth_verification_reason = ONLINE_TRIGGERED
dracs_birth_verification_comment = null
dracs_birth_synced_at = null
dracs_birth_unverified_at = null
Check existence of verification candidates for person_id with status = ‘NEW’ and entity_type = ‘dracs_birth_act' in person_verification_candidates
table, if found - deactivate them, set:
status = ‘DEACTIVATED’
status_reason = ‘PERSON_UPDATED’
updated_at = now()
Then person will be verified online with DRACS birth acts registry via separate process: DRACS birth acts synchronization for Persons
If person’s data does not match rules from above – online verification with DRACS birth acts registry is not needed. Set to person verification record:
if person is created:
dracs_birth_act_id = null
dracs_birth_verification_status = VERIFICATION_NOT_NEEDED
dracs_birth_verification_reason = INITIAL
dracs_birth_verification_comment = null
dracs_birth_synced_at = null
dracs_birth_unverified_at = null
if person is updated – do not update dracs_birth_verification_status and dracs_birth_verification_reason for person.
DRACS name change acts registry verification
If person is created, set values in person_verifications table:
dracs_name_change_verification_status = VERIFICATION_NOT_NEEDED
dracs_name_change_verification_reason = INITIAL
If person is updated and persons dracs_name_change_verification_status = ‘VERIFICATION_NEEDED’:
Check existence of verification candidates for person_id with status = ‘NEW’ and entity_type in (‘dracs_marriage_act', ‘dracs_divorce_act’, ‘dracs_change_name_act’) in the person_verification_candidates table:
if found:
Compare updated person data with them using following processes for each entity_type:
for dracs_marriage_act - use
for dracs_divorce_act - use
for dracs_change_name_act - use
If a candidate does not already match the updated person’s data - deactivate them, set:
status = ‘DEACTIVATED’
status_reason = ‘PERSON_UPDATED’
updated_at = now()
If no more active candidates for name change left - update person DRACS change name verification status, set values:
dracs_name_change_verification_status = VERIFIED
dracs_name_change_verification_reason = AUTO_OFFLINE
dracs_name_change_verification_comment = null
Legal capacity verification
If person’s data match following rules: person has legal capacity document (from PERSON_LEGAL_CAPACITY_DOCUMENT_TYPES config parameter) with type ‘MARRIAGE_CERTIFICATE’ or ‘DIVORCE_CERTIFICATE’ (check in Request, within $.person.documents)
thenonline verification with DRACS certificates registry is needed. Set to person verification record:
legal_capacity_verification_status = VERIFICATION_NEEDED
legal_capacity_verification_reason = ONLINE_TRIGGERED
legal_capacity_entity_id = NULL
legal_capacity_entity_type = NULL
legal_capacity_unverified_at = NULL
Then person will be verified online with DRACS certificates registry via separate process: RC_DRACS certificates synchronization for Person (DRACS 2.0)
If person’s data match following rules: person has legal capacity document (from PERSON_LEGAL_CAPACITY_DOCUMENT_TYPES config parameter) with type other than ‘MARRIAGE_CERTIFICATE’ or ‘DIVORCE_CERTIFICATE’ (check in Request, within $.person.documents)
thenpersons legal capacity is verified by default. Set to person verification record:
legal_capacity_verification_status = VERIFICATION_NOT_NEEDED
legal_capacity_verification_reason = AUTO_DATA_ABSENT
legal_capacity_entity_id = NULL
legal_capacity_entity_type = NULL
legal_capacity_unverified_at = NULL
If person does not have legal capacity document (from PERSON_LEGAL_CAPACITY_DOCUMENT_TYPES config parameter), legal capacity verification is not needed. Set to person verification record:
legal_capacity_verification_status = VERIFICATION_NOT_NEEDED
legal_capacity_verification_reason = AUTO_DATA_ABSENT
legal_capacity_entity_id = NULL
legal_capacity_entity_type = NULL
legal_capacity_unverified_at = NULL
Calculate cumulative verification status
Calculate persons cumulative verification status based on persons verification status in each stream: Manual NHS verification, DRFO registry verification, DRACS death acts registry verification, DRACS birth acts registry verification, DRACS name change acts registry verification according to logic described at RC_Person verification status model (DRACS 2.0):
Set calculated status to
fieldCreate StatusChangeEvent in event manager with new verification status if it was changed
Call Create confidant person relationship, set values:
confidant_person_id = person.confidant_person.person_id
person_id = id of created person
verification_status = “VERIFICATION_NEEDED”
verification_reason based on relationship document:
contains document with type BIRTH_CERTIFICATE, set verification_reason = “ONLINE_TRIGGERED”if
does not contain document with type BIRTH_CERTIFICATE, set verification_reason = “MANUAL_CREATED_BY_DOCTOR”
confidant_person_relationship_documents = person.confidant_person.documents_relationship
In case if persons age < person_full_legal_capacity_age global parameter:
calculate relationship_expiration_date - date when person becomes person_full_legal_capacity_age years old
check if $.active_to <= relationship_expiration_date
if true - set active_to = $.active_to
if false or $.active_to = null - set active_to = relationship_expiration_date
In case if person is updated (
exists in person_data for person request) and at least one of submitted person document types exist in PERSON_LEGAL_CAPACITY_DOCUMENT_TYPES config parameter and legal_capacity_verification_status = VERIFIED or VERIFICATION_NOT_NEEDED according to Legal capacity verification - deactivate all existing confidant person relationships for person:
Deactivate all records in IL | confidant_person_relationship_requests table where person_id =
and status = NEW, set values:status = CANCELLED
updated_at = now()
updated_by = user_id (from token)
Deactivate all records in MPI | confidant_person_relationships table where person_id =
and is_active = true. Set:active_to = now()
updated_at = now()
updated_by = user_id (from token)
For each relationship from previous step - deactivate person authentication methods with type = THIRD_PERSON and value =
, set values:ended_at = now()
updated_at = now()
updated_by = user_id (from token)
In case if person is updated (
exists in person_data for person request), and person has active Confidant person relationships with relationship document with type='BIRTH_CERTIFICATE' and following person fields are updated:
Update found active Confidant person relationships as those that need online verification with DRACS birth acts registry, set values:
verification_status = “VERIFICATION_NEEDED”
verification_reason = “ONLINE_TRIGGERED”
updated_at = now()
updated_by = user_id
Check existance of verification candidates for updated confidant_person_relationship_id with status = ‘NEW’ and entity_type = ‘dracs_birth_act' in confidant_person_relationship_verification_candidates
table, if found - deactivate them, set:
status = ‘DEACTIVATED’
status_reason = ‘PERSON_UPDATED’
updated_at = now()
In case if person is updated (
exists in person_data for person request), and person exists in the system as confidant person in active confidant person relationship with relationship document with type='BIRTH_CERTIFICATE' and following person fields are updated:
Update found active Confidant person relationships as those that need online verification with DRACS birth acts registry, set values:
verification_status = “VERIFICATION_NEEDED”
verification_reason = “ONLINE_TRIGGERED”
updated_at = now()
updated_by = user_id
Check existance of verification candidates for updated confidant_person_relationship_id with status = ‘NEW’ and entity_type = ‘dracs_birth_act' in confidant_person_relationship_verification_candidates
table, if found - deactivate them, set:
status = ‘DEACTIVATED’
updated_at = now()