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Table of Contents


  1. Validate that service request ID is unique

    1. $.id must be unique

      1. in case of error return 409 - "Service request with such id already exists"

  2. Requisition is a common identifier for the group of service requests and it must matches with one of the patient's encounter number

    1. $.requisition must match with patient's encounter number

      1. in case of error return 409 - "Incorrect requisition number"

  3. Service request category must refer to a valid dictionary

    1. $.category.coding[*].system  == "ehealth/SNOMED/service_request_categories" 

      1. in case of error return 409 "Incorrect service request category"

    2. in case service was defined as a code (not a service_group) validate service_request.category=service.category from $code.identifier.value

      1. in case error return 422, "Category mismatch"

    3. if category in (hospitalization, transfer_of_care), do not validate service_request.category=service.category from $code.identifier.value

    4. If $.specimens attribute is set, then check the category is in SPECIMEN_SERVICE_REQUEST_ALLOWED_CATEGORIES chart parameter

      • in case of error - return 422 ("Service request category is not allowed for specimens")

    5. If $.requester_employee has ASSISTANT type, then check the category in ASSISTANT_SERVICE_REQUEST_ALLOWED_CATEGORIES chart parameter

      1. in case of error - return 422 (“Service request category is not allowed for a requester_employee with type ASSISTANT“)

  4. Service request code must refer to a valid dictionary

    1. $.code.identifier.type.coding[*].system  == “eHealth/resources”

      1. in case of error return 422 “value is not allowed in enum”

  5. Patient must be active

    1. $.patient.identifier.type.coding[*].system == "eHealth/resources"

    2. $.patient.identifier.type.coding[*].code == "patient"

    3. $.patient.identifier.value refer to active MPI (is_active == true and status == 'active')

    4. check if patients.preperson == true

      1. check PREPERSON_SERVICE_REQUEST_ALLOWED_CATEGORIES (values from dictionary: eHealth/SNOMED/service_request_categories) configuration according allowed categories for prepersons

        1. in case of error return 422 (Category of service request is not allowed for prepersons)

  6. Context must be an active encounter

    1. If focus on specimens is set, then context is optional

    2. $.context.identifier.type.coding[*].system == "eHealth/resources"

    3. $.context.identifier.type.coding[*].code == "encounter"

    4. $.context.identifier.value refer to existing encounter (status == 'finished')

    5. if category = transfer_of_care,

      1. validate encounter.hospitalization.Discharge_Disposition='transfer_general', in case error return 422, "Context is not valid for service request with type $type"

  7. Occurence is a valid date-time in the future

    1. $.occurrenceDateTime

      1. $.occurrence_date_time - ISO date must be greater current date-time

    2. $.occurrencePeriod.start

      1. $.occurrence_period.start - ISO date must be greater than current date-time

      2. $.occurrence_period.end - ISO date must be greater than current date-time and greater than $.occurrencePeriod.start

    3. in case based_on passed in request

      1. if care plan activity has detail.scheduled_timing.repeat.bounds_period - validate occurence within bounds_period

      2. if care plan activity has detail.scheduled_period - validate occurence within scheduled_period

      3. else - validate occurence within care_plan.period

  8. Authored On is a valid date-time in the past

    1. $.authored_on - ISO date must be less than current date-time

  9. Requester_employee must be active employee within current legal entity

    1. $.requester_employee.identifier.type.coding[*].system == "eHealth/resources"

    2. $.requester_employee.identifier.type.coding[*].code == "employee"

    3. $.requester_employee.identifier.value refer to active employee within current legal entity (employee.status == approved and employee.is_active == true and employee.legal_entity_id == token.client_id and employee.type=value from list of employee_types in configuration: ALLOWED_SERVICE_REQUEST_REQUESTER_EMPLOYEE_TYPES )

  10. Requester is one of current user's employee

    1. in case of error return 422 "User is not allowed to create service request for the employee"

  11. Requester_legal_enity must be current legal enity

  12. Supporting info must refer to a valid medical events object (Episode of Care, Condition, Observation, Diagnostic report) within specified patient. 

    1. $.supporting_info.identifier.type.coding[*].system == "eHealth/resources"

      1. in case of error return 409 "Incorrect supporting info"

  13. Reason reference must refer to a valid medical events object (Observation, Condition) within specified patient. 

    1. $.reason_reference.identifier.type.coding[*].system == "eHealth/resources"

    2. $.reason_reference.identifier.type.coding[*].code in ("condition", "observation")

      1. in case of error return 409 "Incorrect reason reference"

  14. Permitted resources must refer to a valid medical events object (Episode of Care, diagnostic report) within specified patient. 

    1. $.permitted_resources.identifier.type.coding[*].system == "eHealth/resources"

    2. $.permitted_resources.identifier.type.coding[*].code == "episode_of_care", “diagnostic_report”

      1. in case of error return 409 "Incorrect permitted resources"

  15. Validate that permitted episodes is not specified in case of category "laboratory_procedure"

    1. in case of error 422 "Permitted episodes are not allowed for laboratory category of service request"

  16. Validate expiration_date is in future

    1. in case of error return 422 "Expiration date can not be in past"

  17. Validate code is an existing service or service group that is allowed to be used in service_request
     Note. For service_request.code pass "service", "service_group"

    1. in case not found or is_active == false return 422 "Service(Service group) not found"

    2. if request_allowed==false return error 422 "Request is not allowed for this service"

    3. in case based_on passed in request

      1. If service_requests.code.identifier.value is service, validate $based_on[].activity.code.identifier.value = service_requests.code.identifier.value

        1. in case error return 409, "Service in care plan activity differ from service in service request"

      2. If service_requests.code.identifier.value is service_group, validate $based_on[].activity.code.identifier.value = service_requests.code.identifier.value

        1. in case error return 409, "Service group in care plan activity differ from service group in service request"

  18. If program was specified, validate it is an existing service program (type=service)

    1. in case not found or is_active==false return 422  "Program not found"

    2. in case type!= service return 422 "Invalid program type"

    3. check if medical_programs.medical_program_settings.care_plan_required == true:

      1. the request should contain a based_on with care plan and activity that contains the same medical program

        1. in case of error return 422 with msg ("Care plan and activity with the same program should be present in request")

      2. check that program present in request

        1. in case of error return 422 with msg ("Program from activity should be present in request")

      3. check that program equal to $.activity[].program

        1. in case of error return 422 with msg ("Program from activity should be equal to program from request")

    4. if program in service request is set check if $.activity[].program is not null

      1. in case of error return error msg (“Program should not be present in request for this activity“)

  19. If program was specified, validate that service(or service_group) is an active member of the program

    1. Select request_allowed, is_active from PRM.program_services where service_id(or group_id) == $.signed_content.code.identifier.value and program_id=$.program.identifier.value

      1. if not found or is_active==false return 422 "Service is not included in the program"

      2. if request_allowed==false return 422 "Service request is not allowed for this service(service_group) in this programm"

  20. Validate performer

    1. If focus on specimens is set, then performer is optional

    2. if category = transfer_of_care,

      1. performer is sent, in case error return 422, "performer is mandatory for category `transfer_of_care`"

      2. performer is real LE with status=Active and is_Active=true, in case error, return 422, "performer is not active legal entity"

    3. if category = laboratory_procedure,

      1. performer is optional; if is send - performer is real LE with status=Active and is_Active=true, in case error, return 422, "performer is not active legal entity"

    4. else other category and performer is send return 422 error $.performer.identifier.value “Not allowed for this category“

  21. validate LocationReference

    1. if category = transfer_of_care,

      1. LocationReference is real division with type in (CLINIC, LICENSED_UNIT,AMBULANT_CLINIC,FAP) and status=Active and is_active=true, in case error return 422, "LocationReference is not an active division"

      2. LocationReference division.legal_entity_id=Performer, in case error return 422, "Division does not belong to performer legal entity"

  22. Validate PerformerType

    1. if category = hospitalization

      1. PerformerType is sent (performer_type is mandatory for category hospitalization), in case error return 422, "can't be blank" "PerformerType is mandatory for category hospitalization"

      2. PerformerType is a code from dictionary.SPECIALITY_TYPE and match config file 'SERVICE_REQUEST_HOSPITALIZATION_SPECIALITY_TYPES', in case error return 422, $.performer_type.coding[0].code "Not allowed for category hospitalization" "PerformerType=$PerformerType is forbidden for category hospitalization"

      3. if performer_type value is included in chart variables 'SERVICE_REQUEST_HOSPITALIZATION_PERFORMER_TYPE_SPECIALITY_TYPES':

        1.  define allowed service codes for service_requests.code.identifier.value using a set of chart variables  'SERVICE_REQUEST_HOSPITALIZATION_<SPECIALITY_TYPE>_PERFORMER_TYPE_CODES', in case of error return 422 “Service does not correspond to performer's speciality for category hospitalization“

    2. if category = transfer_of_care

      1. if service codes for service_requests.code.identifier.value using a set of chart variables 'SERVICE_REQUEST_TRANSFER_OF_CARE_<SPECIALITY_TYPE>_PERFORMER_TYPE_CODES', performer_type field is mandatory

        1. in case error return 422, "PerformerType is mandatory"

      2. PerformerType is a code from dictionary.SPECIALITY_TYPE and match config file 'SERVICE_REQUEST_TRANSFER_OF_CARE_SPECIALITY_TYPES', in case error return 422, $.performer_type.coding[0].code "Not allowed for category transfer_of_care" "PerformerType=$PerformerType is forbidden for category transfer_of_care"

      3. if performer_type value is included in chart variables 'SERVICE_REQUEST_TRANSFER_OF_CARE_PERFORMER_TYPE_SPECIALITY_TYPES':

        1.  define allowed service codes for service_requests.code.identifier.value using a set of chart variables 'SERVICE_REQUEST_TRANSFER_OF_CARE_<SPECIALITY_TYPE>_PERFORMER_TYPE_CODES', in case of error return 422 “Service does not correspond to performer's speciality for category transfer of care“

    3. else other category and PerformerType is send return 422 error $.performer_type.coding[0].value "Not allowed for category <category>"

  23. Validate quantity as described in PreQualify Service Request

  24. Validate based_on as described in PreQualify Service Request

  25. Validate patient's verification status:

    1. If SR has based_on with valid activity, then skip this validation.

    2. Else check patient's verification_status is not equal to NOT_VERIFIED.

      1. in case of error return 409, "Patient is not verified"

  26. Validate specimens as described at PreQualify Service Request

  27. Validate focus as described at PreQualify Service Request


In order to optimize the costs, only one sms should be sent within one encounter. So that send sms only for the first service request for specific encounter

  1. Do NOT send sms in case performer is present

  2. Search for service requests with the same requisition number

    1. if there is at least one service request with such number - do not send sms

    2. if no service requests found - send sms to the patient 
