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Input parameters

Input parameter









MPI identifier of the person.







Unique Care Plan identifier.




  1. Verify the validity of access token

    • Return (401, 'Invalid access token') in case of validation fails

  2. Verify that token is not expired

    • in case of error - return (401, 'Invalid access token')

  3. Check user scopes in order to perform this action (scope = 'care_plan:write')

    • Return (403, 'Your scope does not allow to access this resource. Missing allowances: care_plan:write') in case of invalid scope(s)

  4. If BLOCK_UNVERIFIED_PARTY_USERS is true, then check party's data match following condition: verification_status != NOT_VERIFIED or (verification_status = NOT_VERIFIED and updated_at <= current_date - UNVERIFIED_PARTY_PERIOD_DAYS_ALLOWED):

    • in case not match - return 403 ("Access denied. Party is not verified")

Validate legal entity

  1. Extract client_id from token

  2. Check legal entity status is ACTIVE

    1. In case of error - return 409 ('client_id refers to legal entity that is not active')

  3. Check legal entity type in ME_ALLOWED_TRANSACTIONS_LE_TYPES config parameter

    1. in case of error - return 409 ('client_id refers to legal entity with type that is not allowed to create medical events transactions')


  1. Extract user_id from token.

  2. Check user has an active and approved employee from legal entity (token) that:

    1. has an active Approval granted by the Patient on write the Care plan resource (care plan id from URL)

      1. Return 403 ('Access denied') in case employee has no Approval on write

  3. Check user's employee is from the same legal entity (token) as managing_organisation from the care_plan:

    1. Return 422 ('User is not allowed to create care plan activity for this care plan') in case employee’s legal_entity do not match managing_organisation of related care_plan

Validate Digital Sign

  1. Validate request is signed

    1. in case of error - return 422 (“document must be signed by 1 signer but contains 0 signatures”)

  2. Check DS is valid and not expired

  3. Validate that DS belongs to the author of the activity

    1. Check that DRFO from DS and user's party.tax_id matches

      1. in case of error - return 409 (“Signer DRFO doesn't match with requester tax_id“)


  1. Check employee belongs to the user and legal entity (from token)

  2. Employee is:

    1. an employee who has active Approval on write the Care plan

    2. belongs to user

      1. in case of error - return 422 ('User is not allowed to create care plan activity for the employee')

  3. Check employee_type is value from list of employee_types in configuration: ACTIVITY_AUTHOR_EMPLOYEE_TYPES_ALLOWED

    • in case of error - return 422 ('Invalid employee type')

Validate activity detail

1. Kind


Validate value in the field $.detail.quantity, if submitted

  1. Check $.detail.quantity.value is not empty, is fractional, greater than zero

    1. Return 422 schema validation error


  1. If $.detail.kind=medication_request:

    1. Check (by schemata) the $.detail.quantity.system field’s value is MEDICATION_UNIT.

      1. Return 422 ('value is not allowed in enum')

    2. Check the $.detail.quantity.code field’s value equals to dosage.denumerator_unit of one of INNMs of a INNM_DOSAGE where innms with is_primary = true

      1. Return 422 ('Code field of quantity object should be equal to denumerator_unit of one of medication’s innms')

  2. If $.detail.kind is other than medication_request:

    1. Check the $.detail.quantity.system field is not present.

      1. Return 422 ('System field of quantity object is not allowed for kind other than medication_request')

    2. Check the $.detail.quantity.code field is not present.

      1. Return 422 ('Code field of quantity object is not allowed for kind other than medication_request')

  3. If $.detail.kind=service_request:

    1. Check that $.detail.quantity.system field’s value is SERVICE_UNIT, if submitted.

      1. Return 422 ('value is not allowed in enum')

    2. If care plan category is class_23, class_24 or class_25:

      1. Check $.detail.quantity.system and $.detail.quantity.code are set, $.detail.quantity.code = MINUTE

        1. Return 422 ('Code field of quantity object should be in MINUTE for care plan’s category <category code>')

  4. Set remaining_quantity.value = $.detail.quantity.value, and use for remaining_quantity.system, remaining_quantity.code, remaining_quantity.unit fields, which were specified in $.detail.quantity object.


  1. Check the value is valid reference o employee resource

  2. Check employee is active and approved

    1. Return 422 ('Invalid employee status')

10. Daily amount

  1. If submitted, check $.detail.daily_amount has the same code and system as quantity field.

    1. Return 422 ('Units of daily_amount field should be equal to units of quantity field')

  2. Validate value in the field $.detail.daily_amount, if submitted.

  3. Check activity kind is medication_request

    1. Return 422 ('Field is allowed for medication request activities only') in case kind is not medication_request

  4. Validate $.detail.daily_amount.system, $.detail.daily_amount.code fields and their values in the object $.detail.daily_amount

  5. If $.detail.kind=medication_request:

    1. Check (by schemata) the $.detail.daily_amount.system field’s value is MEDICATION_UNIT.

      1. Return 422 ('value is not allowed in enum')

    2. Check the $.detail.daily_amount.code field’s value equals to dosage.denumerator_unit of one of INNMs of a INNM_DOSAGE where innms with is_primary = true

      1. Return 422 ('Code field of daily_amount object should be equal to denumerator_unit of one of medication’s innms')

  6. If $.detail.kind is other than medication_request:

    1. Check the $.detail.daily_amount.system field is not present.

      1. Return 422 ('System field of daily_amount object is not allowed for kind other than medication_request')

    2. Check the $.detail.daily_amount.code field is not present.

      1. Return 422 ('Code field of daily_amount object is not allowed for kind other than medication_request')

11. Medical program

Validate field exists for kind = medication_request


  1. Save signed content to media storage

  2. Save data to care_plan_activities collection in DB according to Care plan data model

    1. for kind = medication_request

      1. add unit (and its value) field into quantity, daily_amount, objects based on system, code out of MEDICATION_UNIT or SERVICE_UNIT dictionary.

      2. add system, code, unit fields into remaining_quantity based on quantity object

  3. Save link from media storage to the $.signed_content_links field in care plan activities collection

  4. If Care plan has status = new:

    1. Set care plan status = active

    2. Check if patient has another active or/and new Care plans with such condition code in the addresses field and the same terms of service:

      1. If such Care plans found - set these Care plans statuses to TERMINATED (related activities doesn`t change their status)

  5. Set $.details.remaining_quantity_type:

    1. If $.details.kind = medication_request check $.details.quantity:

      1. if $.details.quantity = null then set $.details.remaining_quantity_type = null

      2. if $.details.quantity is not null then:

        1. set $.details.remaining_quantity_type = for_request

    2. If $.details.kind = service_request check $.details.quantity:

      1. if $.details.quantity = null then set $.details.remaining_quantity_type = null

      2. if $.details.quantity is not null then check $.details.quantity.code:

        1. if $.details.quantity.code is not null then set $.details.remaining_quantity_type = for_request

        2. if $.details.quantity.code = null then set $.details.remaining_quantity_type = for_use

  6. Create job and return it’s id.
