Note |
Сторінка знаходиться в процесі розробки. Інформація на ній може бути застарілою. |
Page Properties |
id | page_properties_method_REST API |
Document type | Метод REST API |
Document title | [DRAFT] Get Allergy Intolerance by id (Patient Summary) [API-007-008-001-0279] |
Guideline ID | GUI-0011 |
Author | @ |
Document version | 1 |
Document status | DRAFT |
Date of creation | ХХ.ХХ.ХХХХ (дата фінальної версії документа – RC або PROD) |
Date of update | ХХ.ХХ.ХХХХ (дата зміни версії) |
Method API ID | API-007-008-001-0279 |
Microservices (namespace) | ME |
Component | Patient Summary |
Component ID | COM-007-008 |
Link на API-специфікацію | |
Resource | {{host}}/api/patients/{{patient_id}}/summary/allergy_intolerances/{{id}} |
Scope | patient_summary:read |
Protocol type | REST |
Request type | GET |
Sync/Async | Sync |
Public/Private | Public |
N/AThis web service is designed to return allergy intolerances info by its identifier (id
) for a specified patient (patient_id
Configuration parameters
Request to process the request using a token in the headers
A list of processes related to receiving, changing or transmitting data according to the logic defined in the REST API
Response structure examples