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Table of Contents


Code Block
titleGraphQL schema
Methods to use when ordering `Merge Request`.
enum MergeRequestOrderBy {
  "Sort Person by inserted at in ascending order."
  "Sort Person by inserted at in descending order."
  "Sort Person by birth date in ascending order."
  "Sort Person by birth date in descending order."

A connection to a list of `MergeRequest` values.
type MergeRequestConnection {
  "Information to aid in pagination."
  pageInfo: PageInfo!
  "Flag which shows whether NEW merge candidate can be assigned to the User"
  canAssignNew: Boolean!
  "A list of nodes."
  nodes: [MergeRequest]
  "A list of edges."
  edges: [MergeRequestEdge]

Reads and enables pagination through a set of `MergeRequest`.
type MergeRequestEdge {
  "The item at the end of the edge."
  node: MergeRequest!
  "A cursor for use in pagination."
  cursor: String!

Return type for `assignMergeCandidate` mutation.
type AssignMergeCandidatePayload {
  "Information of pair of persons which can be same."
  mergeRequest: MergeRequest!

Input for `updateMergeRequest` mutation.
In order to update status user must have a scope `merge_request:write`
input UpdateMergeRequestInput {
  "Primary key identifier from the database"
  id: ID!
  "next status of merge request"
  status: MergeRequestStatus!
  "comment which user can leave"
  comment: String

Return type for `updateMergeRequest` mutation.
type UpdateMergeRequestPayload {
  "Information of pair of persons which can be same."
  mergeRequest: MergeRequest!

This is Merge Request details. In order to obtain details user must have a scope **merge_request:read**
type MergeRequest implements Node {
  "The ID of an object"
  id: ID!
  "Primary key identifier from the database"
  databaseId: UUID!
  "The pair of persons which is considerated to be the same person"
  manualMergeCandidate: ManualMergeCandidate!
  "status of merge request"
  status: MergeRequestStatus!
  "comment which user can leave"
  comment: String
  "Technical information when the patient was inserted into the DB."
  insertedAt: DateTime!
  "Technical information when the patient was updated in the DB."
  updatedAt: DateTime!

List of MergeRequest statuses.
enum MergeRequestStatus {
  "Status `MERGE` for a merge request"
  "Status `NEW` for a merge request"
  "Status `POSTPONE` for a merge request"
  "Status `SPLIT` for a merge request"
  "Status `TRASH` for a merge request"

Information about Manual Merge Candidate.
type ManualMergeCandidate {
  "The ID of an object"
  id: ID!
  "Primary key identifier from the database"
  databaseId: UUID!
  "The pair of persons which is considerated to be the same person"
  mergeCandidate: MergeCandidate!
  "status of merge candidate"
  status: ManualMergeCandidateStatus
  "Technical information when the patient was inserted into the DB."
  insertedAt: DateTime!
  "Technical information when the patient was updated in the DB."
  updatedAt: DateTime!

Information about Merge Candidate.
type MergeCandidate {
  "The ID of an object"
  id: ID!
  "Primary key identifier from the database"
  databaseId: UUID!
  "The person wich will be deactivated"
  person: Person!
  "The person wich will remain"
  masterPerson: Person!

List of Merge candidate statuses
enum ManualMergeCandidateStatus {
  "Status `NEW` for a merge request"
  "Status `PROCESSED` for a merge request"


    1. Verify the validity of access token
      1. in case of error return 401 ('Access denied')
    2. Check user scope merge_candidate:assign in order to perform this action
      1. in case of error generate 401 response ('Invalid scopes')

Verify role

Extract from token:


  1. Priority by records which already has some decisions 
    1. join table  manual_merge_requests on manual_merge_requests.merge_candidate_id=manual_merge_candidates.merge_candidate_id and manual_merge_requests.assignee_id<>$user_id
    2. choose manual_merge_requests.merge_candidate_id  order by  count() DESC
  2. manual_merge_candidate must satisfy constraint: merge_candidate_id+assignee_id in table manual_merge_requests

Validate request

  1. Check whether this user doesn't have other merge_requests in status='NEW'
    1. check manual_merge_requests by assignee_id=$user_id and status='NEW'
      1. in case of error return conflict error 'CONFLICT' - 'Assignee is not allowed to ask for new merge request'
  2. Check amount of postponed merge_requests for current employee_id
    1. check qty from manual_merge_requests by assignee_id=$user_id and status='POSTPONED'
      1. in case of qty<postponed_requests_limit return conflict error 'CONFLICT' - 'Assignee reached limit in postponed merge_requests'
  3. Check there is no record for merge_candidate_id+assignee_id  and whether merge_candidate_id can be reviewed
    1. verify merge_candidate_id has status NEW and assignee_id is null in table manual_merge_candidates. in table manual_merge_requests shouldn't be a record with condition merge_candidate_id+$user_id
      1. in case there is no merge candidate in status NEW which wasn't verified by $user_id return 204 No content

Update assignee for merge_candidate

  1. Update assignee_id in manual_merge_candidates  to $user_id
  2. Update updated_at = now()
  3. Update updated_at = $user_id


Field Value

Make merge_request for assignee
