Versions Compared


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Entity & other comparison


Difference kind of organization


"Organisation"."type" : [{ CodeableConcept }]

provHealthcare ProviderAn organization that provides healthcare services.
deptHospital DepartmentA department or ward within a hospital (Generally is not applicable to top level organizations)
teamOrganizational teamAn organizational team is usually a grouping of practitioners that perform a specific function within an organization (which could be a top level organization, or a department).
govtGovernmentA political body, often used when including organization records for government bodies such as a Federal Government, State or Local Government.
insInsurance CompanyA company that provides insurance to its subscribers that may include healthcare related policies.
eduEducational InstituteAn educational institution that provides education or research facilities.
reliReligious InstitutionAn organization that is identified as a part of a religious institution.
crsClinical Research SponsorAn organization that is identified as a Pharmaceutical/Clinical Research Sponsor.
cgCommunity GroupAn un-incorporated community group.
busNon-Healthcare Business or CorporationAn organization that is a registered business or corporation but not identified by other types.
otherOtherOther type of organization not already specified.


[legal_entities].type  | DICTIONARY: LEGAL_ENTITY_TYPE

Code Block
"values": {
"MSP": "заклад з надання медичних послуг",
"MIS": "Medical Information system"


  • In HL7 type its array (many kinds), in the e-Health Legal Entity - one value of type
  • In HL7 type "prov" (Healthcare Provider) its crossing of 2 or more types of e-Health

Data structure comparison
