HL7 | e-Health | Result |
Organization | [legal_entities] | |
"identifier" : [{ Identifier }] | id | uuid | not null | Ok |
"active" : <boolean> | status | enum('active','closed') | not null | Ok |
"type" : [{ CodeableConcept }] | type | varchar | not null | Ok |
"name" : "<string>" | name | varchar | not null | Ok |
"alias" : ["<string>"], // A list of alternate names that the organization is known as, or was known as in the past | ??? | Small problem |
"telecom" : [{ ContactPoint }] | phones | jsonb[] | Ok |
"telecom" : [{ ContactPoint }] | email | varchar | Ok |
"partOf" : { Reference(Organization) }, | ??? | Problem |
"contact" : [{ // Contact for the organization for a certain purpose}] | [employees] | Ok |
→"purpose" : { CodeableConcept }, // The type of contact | [employees].employee_type | Ok |
....... →"name" : { HumanName }, // A name associated with the contact | [employees].[parties].first_name + last_name | Ok |
....... →"telecom" : [{ ContactPoint }], // Contact details (telephone, email, etc.) for a contact | [employees].[parties].phones | Ok |
....... →"address" : { Address } // Visiting or postal addresses for the contact | [employees].[parties].??? | Small problem |
"endpoint" : [{ Reference(Endpoint) }] | redirect_uri ??? | Small problem |