Versions Compared


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Table of Contents


  • New-198-2017-07-26
  • Form
  • Innms

Upload steps & logic

Step 0- Prepare & clean original data


  1. Create temp table 

    Code Block
    create table _temp_innms
    	id uuid not null
    		constraint _temp_innms_pkey
    			primary key,
    	sctid varchar(255),
    	name varchar(255) not null,
    	name_original varchar(255) not null,
    	is_active boolean default false not null,
    	inserted_by uuid not null,
    	updated_by uuid not null,
    	inserted_at timestamp not null,
    	updated_at timestamp not null

  2. Source page "innm
  3. Prepare data (column `name` & `name_original`)
  4. Prepare SQL-Insert statement on page (based on template)

    Example from page with formula (without CR\TAB\etc !!!):

    No Format
    ="insert into _temp_innms (id,sctid,name,name_original,is_active,inserted_by,inserted_at,updated_by,updated_at) 
    values (uuid_generate_v4(), '','"&A1&"', '"&D1&"', TRUE ,'4261eacf-8008-4e62-899f-de1e2f7065f0',


              '4261eacf-8008-4e62-899f-de1e2f7065f0' - system user id
              A1 - name innm
              D1 - name original of innm
  5. Insert rows from calculating SQL-insert statements

Step 3 - Load forms

  1. Source page: "Forms"
  2. Create pivot table, insert `key` for dictionary `MEDICATION_FORM` prepare SQL-Insert statement on page (based on template)

    Example from page with formula (without CR\TAB\etc !!!):

    No Format
    ="INSERT into _temp_form (name, name_key,dosage_num_unit,dosage_denum_unit,

  3. Insert rows from calculating SQL-insert statements


  1. Create temp table  for medications (with mandatory column `ext_id` !!!)
  2. Run script load medications = brands

  3. Run script load medications = innm_dosage

  4. Create temp table for ingredients
  5. Run script create ingredients for medications = brands

  6. Run script create ingredients for medications = innm_dosages
  7. Run script create medical_programs
  8. Run script create program_medications
  9. Move data from `_temp_tables` to `_real_tables` (OR Generate `SQL Inserts` from `*._temp_tables`, then rename tables name from `_temp` → `origin_name`, run SQL Inserts scripts)

SQL-script file:  2Load_reestr_innms_medications.sql

SQL Insert script file (ONLY prepared values):