Status | Description | Terminal State (Y|N) |
Active | Signed and active for usage referral | N |
In UseUsed | Referral has been already used and could not be used anymore , but it is still being processed without rolling back | N |
In Progress | Refehhal has been already used and taken into work | N |
Completed | Referral has been processed | Y |
Entered In Error | Referral is cancelled because of human mistake in the process of creation | Y |
Cancelled | Referral is cancelled because of absence of necessity and other reasons (for example fraud) | Y |
From | To | Method | Notification to Event Manager (Y|N) | Notification to Patient (Y|N) |
Active | In Use | UseServiceRequest | Y | Y |
In UseUsed | Active | RollBackServiceRequest | Y | Y |
Used | In Progress | MarkServiceRequestAsInProgress (through CreateEncounter) | Y | N |
In UseProgress | Completed | MarkServiceRequestCompleted MarkServiceRequestAsCompleted (through CloseEpisode) | Y | N |
Active | Entered In Error | MarkServiceRequestAsEnteredInError | Y | Y |
Active | Cancelled | MarkServiceRequestAsCancelled | Y | Y |
Used | Cancelled | MarkServiceRequestAsCancelled | Y | Y |
In UseProgress | Cancelled | MarkServiceRequestAsCancelled | Y | Y |
Completed | Cancelled | MarkServiceRequestAsCancelled | Y | N |