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This WS allows to get generate Printout form by $contract_id. Printout form is available generated only for contracts in statuses 'APPROVED', contract requests in status 'PENDING_NHS_SIGN'. Also, it is available for contract requests s in statuses 'NHS_SIGNED' , and 'SIGNED'. through Get Contract request details
Validate token
- Verify the validity of access token
- Return 401 in case validation fails
- token is not expired
- in case error return 401
Validate scopes
- Check user scopes in order to perform this action (scope = 'contract_requests:read')
- Return 403 in case invalid scope(s) -"Your scope does not allow to access this resource. Missing allowances: contract_requests:read"
Validate employee
extract user_id from token
- Check client_id = contract_request.contractor_legal_entity_id
- in case error return 403 "User is not allowed to perform this action"
- Check client_id = contract_request.contractor_legal_entity_id
- If contract_request in statuses 'PENDING_NHS_SIGN' - generate printout form.
- set nhs_signed_date=now()::date
- In case of error (status in 'NEW', 'APPROVED', 'DECLINED', 'TERMINATED', 'NHS_SIGNED' ,'SIGNED') return 409 Error ('Incorrect status of contract_request to generate printout form')
- set nhs_signed_date=now()::date
- In case status was changed either to 'NHS_SIGNED' or 'SIGNED', printout form could be taken through Get Contract request details