
  • If "no_tax_id"= true, tax_id field should be empty, in case error return 422
  • If "no_tax_id"=false and age>14, tax_id should be present, in case error return 422

Search MPI

Search patient in MPI using personal information

If found only one person - save mpi.person.id to il.declaration_request.mpi_id


Validate person_id

If person_id is in request then 

  • validate person_id is UUID
    • in case error return 422
  • search person by person_id in MPI 
    • in case error return 422, "such person doesn't exist"
  • validate person be deduplication model (if score >  ONLINE_PERSON_UPDATE_SCORE, then add mpi_id to declaration request)
    • else return error 409, "such person can't be updated. New person should be created instead"

If person_id is not in request then 

  • search person in mpi
    • in case deduplication model gave score <  ONLINE_PERSON_UPDATE_SCORE, create new person
    • else return error 409, "such person is in mpi with person_id. Update this person.

Validate phone number limit


  • in case person is found, person_id will be saved to declaration_request, and person has the same authentication_methods.phone_number, we do not count phone numbers and do not compare the phone number with global_parameters.phone_number_auth_limit. So that we can update person, but still can not use phone over limit.
  • In case person is not found
    • Check if (SELECT count(*) from persons where authentication_methods::json->0->>'phone_number'='$.phone_number' and persons.status='active' and is_active=true)<global_parameters.phone_number_auth_limit
      in case error return 422, msg "This phone number is present more then $.global_parameters.phone_number_auth_limit times in the system"

Validate declaration  declaration limit

  1. Count all declarations in status active where OPS.declarations.employee_id==$.declaration_request.employee_id
    1.1 If there is an active declaration with the current person, exclude it from the selection in order to let doctor resign declaration with current patient
  2. Count all declaration_requests in status approved where IL.declaration_requests.data($.employee.id) ==$.declaration_request.employee_id
  3. Get all specialities of current doctor
    1. Select speciality from PRM.employees where PRM.employees.party_id == (select PRM.employees.party_id where PRM.employees.id=$.declaration_request.employee_id)
  4. Select config parameter for declarations_limit where speciality == select 3 
  5. Compare the result of selections 1+2 with the lowest config parameter from select 4. In case count (declarations+declaration_requests )> config_parameter, return 409 "The employee has reached the declaration limit"
