Versions Compared


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owners positions should be one of the list - env. configuration OWNER_POSITIONS.

At the moment it is - "P1, P2, P3, P32, P4, P6, P5, P18, P19, P22, P23, P24, P25, P26, P229, P230, P231, P232, P233, P234, P235, P236"

EDR Validation


  1. Change the record according to received request
    1. Some of the fields must not be changed. This fields must be excluded from PATCH request: EDRPOU, TYPE 
    2. set accreditations = Request: $.medical_services_providers.accreditations
    3. save residence address into legal_entities.residence_address
  2. If nhs_reviewed = true reset it to false


  1. Search for a record in prm.licenses for current legal entity  
    1. Check if any attribute has changed comparing request and prm data. If yes, then:
      1. For each record in prm.legal_entities related to the license:
        1. If nhs_reviewed = true reset it to false
        2. If nhs_verified = true
          1. reset it to false
          2. set `nhs_unverified_at`  to current date
    2. Update license data according to the request

See Service specification

Update LE official name

Extract official name from Digital signature. 

  • Update `legal_entities.public_name` in prm with official name from Digital signature
  • Update `` in mithril with official name from Digital signature 

Update Contract Request

  1. Find contract requests related to current legal entity in status = NEW, APPROVED, PENDING_NHS_SIGN, NHS_SIGNED, set status = 'TERMINATED', status_reason "Legal Entity Data has changed"

Reset flags

Update Contract

In case Legal Entity already exists in DB we need to check whether next fields weren't changed:


Compare fields in prm.legal_entities and in request. In case any of the fields above were changed

find contracts by contractor_legal_entity_id=$  and status='VERIFIED'. Set ops.contracts.is_suspended=true


  1. select from prm.licenses where type = $.type and id in (select license_id from legal_entities where edr_data_id in (select id from edr_data where edr_id = active edr id))
    1. If record found then
      1. check if any attribute has changed comparing request and prm data. If yes, then:
        1. For each record in prm.legal_entities related to the license:
          1. If nhs_reviewed = true reset it to false
          2. If nhs_verified = true
            1. reset it to false
            2. set `nhs_unverified_at` to current date
      2. Update license data according to the request
    2. if record not found then create new record:
      1. set 'licenses.type' = MSP if Request: $.type = MSP 
      2. set 'licenses.type' = PHARMACY if Request: $.type = PHARMACY
      3. set 'licenses.is_active' = true and populate inserted_by, inserted_at, updated_by, updated_at fields
      4. set issued_by, issued_date, expiry_date, active_from_date, what_licensed, order_no according to Request: $.medical_services_providers.licenses data
      5. Link created record and edr_data record 


  1. Create new record according to received request 
    1. Link created record and edr_data record
    2. Link created record and license 
    3. set accreditations = Request: $.medical_services_providers.accreditations
    4. save registration_address separately
    5. set nhs_verified, nhs_reviewed to false
    6. set `nhs_unverified_at` to current date
    7. set status = active suspended

See Service specification

Save LE official name

Extract official name from Digital signature. 

  • Save LE official name to prm DB = legal_entities.public_name 
  • Save LE official name to mithril DB = 
