
This WS gives the opportunity to update external identifier of unidentified person in eHealth.


  1. Only authenticated and authorized OWNER, SPECIALIST, ASSISTANT, RECEPTIONIST, DOCTOR, ADMIN employees can update external_id of preperson.

  2. Preperson can be updated by any only in OUTPATIENT legal entity type except PHARMACY, if person_id MPI identifier of preperson is being known (returns after Create preperson).

  3. Only external_id field can be updated.

  4. Update allowed for prepersons with status = ACTIVE.


  1. Check external_id is not empty.

    1. In case of error - return 422 (external_id should not be empty)

  2. Check external_id is unique ? (unique within le?)

    1. In case of error - return 422 (external_id already exists) ?

Update object in DB (mongo)
