if action = insert
if type = OTP ,
is required andvalue
shouldn’t be set. And fieldalias
is optional.Verificate that il.authentication_method_request.authentication_method.phone_number is in DB.VERIFICATION.VERIFIED_PHONES
if type = OFFLINE ,
shouldn’t be set . And fieldalias
is optional.if type = THIRD_PERSON,
are required.if type = THIRD_PERSON - Validate
with mpi.person_auth_method.phone_number where mpi.person_auth_method.person_id = auth_method_request.authentication_method.valuevalidate value:
validate person.id is UUID
in case error return 422
search person by person.id in MPI
in case error return 422, "such person doesn't exist"
search person by person.id in MPI
in case error return 422, "third person must be active"
search third_person.age > 18 years:
in case error return 422, "third person must be adult"
validate third_person.auth_method !=N/A
in case error return 422, "third person must has auth method OTP or OFFLINE"
Generate URL's with type person.{$.person.documents.[:].type} (or Generate URL's with type third_person.{$.third_person.documents.[:].type})
If action = insert
and il.auth_method_request.authentication_method.type = OFFLINE:
Generate URL's with type person.{$.person.documents.[:].type}