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Table of Contents


  1. Get drfo value from digital signature.

  2. Search for existing user in mithril database, users table, with tax_id = drfo from digital signature and is_active = true

    1. If user is found - check it is not blocked (is_blocked <> true)

      1. in case blocked - return 401 ('User is blocked.').

      2. in case not blocked - save user_id and proceed to p.3.

    2. If user is not found - proceed to

  3. Search for existing person in mpi database, persons table, with id = person_id from found user, status = active and is_active = true

    1. in case person not found - return 401 ('Person not found.')

    2. in case person found - check its age is greater then no_self_auth_age global parameter

      1. in case of error - return 401 ('Incorrect person age for such an action.')

      2. in case persons age is correct - save user_id and proceed to

Search or create person

  1. Search for existing active person in mpi database with data from person registration request according to existing process, described here
    Calculate score of comparison between found active persons and person registration request using existing deduplication process, described here Deduplication process NEW
    Compare found score with PIS_ONLINE_DEDUPLICATION_MATCH_SCORE config parameter, set to ‘0.95’:

    1. If one active person with match score > PIS_ONLINE_DEDUPLICATION_MATCH_SCORE was found - check its age is greater then no_self_auth_age global parameter

      1. in case of error - return 401 ('Incorrect person age for such an action.')

      2. in case persons age is correct - save person_id and proceed to p.2.

    2. If more than one active person with match score > PIS_ONLINE_DEDUPLICATION_MATCH_SCORE was found - return 401 ('It is impossible to uniquely identify the person.')

    3. If no active person with match score > PIS_ONLINE_DEDUPLICATION_MATCH_SCORE was found - proceed to p.3.

  2. Search for existing user in mithril database, users table, with person_id = person_id from found person and is_active = true

    1. If user is found - check it is not blocked (is_blocked <> true)

      1. in case blocked - return 401 ('User is blocked.').

      2. in case not blocked - update user, set tax_id = drfo from digital signature, set settings.trusted_source = true, save user_id and proceed to

    2. If user is not found - proceed to

  3. Create new patient in mpi database, set values in following tables based on person registration request:

    1. persons table

    2. person_phones table

    3. person_addresses table

    4. person_documents table

    5. person_authentication_methods table

  4. Save signed content to media storage

  5. Submit person on verification - create record in person_verifications table for person_id, set values for each verification stream:

    1. Manual NHS verifiation

      1. IF $.person.documents contains document with type = 'PERMANENT_RESIDENCE_PERMIT' or  $.person.unzr is not empty and first 8 digits of $.person.unzr != $.person.birth_date
        or $.person.documents contains document with type from PIS_PERSON_LEGAL_CAPACITY_DOCUMENT_TYPES config parameter
        - scan copies of persons documents must be uploaded to media storage after persons registration using PIS. Initialize Person documents upload

        1. set nhs_verification_status = NOT_VERIFIED

        2. set nhs_verification_reason = DOCUMENTS_TRIGGERED

      2. else - scan copies of persons documents are not needed, set verification status according to logic, described here:

    2. DRFO registry verification - according to logic, described here:

    3. DRACS death acts registry verification - according to logic, described here:

    4. DRACS birth acts registry verification - according to logic, described here:

    5. DRACS name change acts registry verification - according to logic, described here:

    6. Legal capacity verification - according to logic, described here:

  6. Calculate cumulative person verifiation status according to logic, described here:

Create user

  1. Create user for active patient in mithril database, users table, set:

    1. id = autogenerate uuid

    2. settings = ‘{“trusted_source”: true}’

    3. priv_settings = ‘{"login_hstr": [], "otp_error_counter": 0}’

    4. inserted_at = now()

    5. updated_at = now()

    6. tax_id = drfo value from digital signature

    7. person_id = person_id of person that was found or created on ‘Search or create patient’ step.

  2. Create global role for created user in mithril database, global_user_roles table, set:

    1. id = autogenerate uuid

    2. user_id = user_id of user created on p.4

    3. role_id = id of role with name ‘PATIENT’

    4. inserted_at = now()

    5. updated_at = now()
