Table of Contents
Data file
Data |
File | 2Load_innms,innm_dosages,brands |
Pages |
Upload steps & logic
Step 0- Prepare & clean original data
- Copy table from original PDF file ( and paste into Google tables file.
- Del separate rows (between page, head of document, etc)
- Add 0-column `Status`
- Add 17- column `Мінімальна кратність відпуску` & fill column `0`
- Replace symbol `,` on `.` into all amount & digital column (5,6,11-16)
- Replace Cyrillic symbol `А`, `В`, `С` on Latin symbol `A`, `B`, `C` into column 7
- Replace text `необмеженний`(etc) on `31.12.3000` into column 10
- Del text symbols into all amount & digital column (5,6,11-16)
- Create pivot table for check & repair `form` (see page `FORM`). Update problem rows
- Export table to `*.csv` file
- Del 2-s first rows in file (header of table)
Step 1- Load data into temp table on DB
- Connect to DB
Create temp table
Code Block language sql collapse true -- drop TABLE _temp_reestr create table "_temp_reestr" ( status varchar(10), id integer, innm_name_original varchar(255), brand_name varchar(255), form varchar(255), dosage_value numeric, package_qty numeric, atc varchar(255), manufacturer varchar(255), lic_num varchar(255), lic_exp_at varchar(255), amount_11 real, amount_12 real, amount_13 real, amount_14 real, amount_reimbursement real, amount_16 real, package_min_qty numeric, country varchar(10), manufacturer_jsonb varchar(255) ) ;
- Import data into `_temp_reestr` from csv-file
Check count loaded rows
Code Block language sql collapse true select count(*) from _temp_reestr
Step 2- Load Innms
Create temp table
Code Block language sql collapse true create table _temp_innms ( id uuid not null constraint _temp_innms_pkey primary key, sctid varchar(255), name varchar(255) not null, name_original varchar(255) not null, is_active boolean default false not null, inserted_by uuid not null, updated_by uuid not null, inserted_at timestamp not null, updated_at timestamp not null )
- Source page "innm"
- Prepare data (column `name` & `name_original`)
Prepare SQL-Insert statement on page (based on template)
Example from page with formula (without CR\TAB\etc !!!):
No Format ="insert into _temp_innms (id,sctid,name,name_original,is_active,inserted_by,inserted_at,updated_by,updated_at) values (uuid_generate_v4(), '','"&A1&"', '"&D1&"', TRUE ,'4261eacf-8008-4e62-899f-de1e2f7065f0', now(),'4261eacf-8008-4e62-899f-de1e2f7065f0',now());"
'4261eacf-8008-4e62-899f-de1e2f7065f0' - system user id
A1 - name innm
D1 - name original of innm- Insert rows from calculating SQL-insert statements
Step 3 - Load forms
- Source page: "Forms"
- Create pivot table, insert `key` for dictionary `MEDICATION_FORM` prepare SQL-Insert statement on page (based on template)
Example from page with formula (without CR\TAB\etc !!!):
No Format ="INSERT into _temp_form (name, name_key,dosage_num_unit,dosage_denum_unit, container_num_unit,container_denum_unit) values('"&C1&"','"&D1&"','"&E1&"','"&F1&"','"&G1&"','"&H1&"')"
- Insert rows from calculating SQL-insert statements
Step 4 - Prepare Manufacturer JSONB
- Manually add new values into Dictionary: COUNTRY
- Replace symbol `"`, etc on symbol `/"` into column 8
- Manually fill column 18 (`_Country`) according column 8
Prepare JSON object manufacturer based on formula
No Format ="{""name"":"""&left(I7;find(",";I7)-1)&""", ""country"": """&S4&"""}"
Step 5 - Load medications, innm_dosages
- Create temp table for medications (with mandatory column `ext_id` !!!)
Run script load medications = brands
Run script load medications = innm_dosage
- Create temp table for ingredients
Run script create ingredients for medications = brands
- Run script create ingredients for medications = innm_dosages
- Run script create medical_programs
- Run script create program_medications
- Move data from `_temp_tables` to `_real_tables` (OR Generate `SQL Inserts` from `*._temp_tables`, then rename tables name from `_temp` → `origin_name`, run SQL Inserts scripts)