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This WS is design to create relationship for reorganized legal entities by NHS admin using DS. Before the request is created new LE must be created (in case if needed) and employee from old legal entity must be registered in the new one.  After that NHS admin must set relationship via signed content. After basic validation



Code Block
A condition to be used against `LegalEntity` object types. All fields are tested for equality and combined with a logical ‘and.’
input LegalEntityFilter {
  "The ID of an object"
  databaseId: UUID
  "A unique identification number of a legal entity in the State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine."
  edrpou: String
  "In case legal entity was verified by NHS employee, nhsVerified should be true."
  nhsVerified: Boolean
  "In case legal entity was reviewed by NHS employee, nhsReview should be true."
  nhsReviewed: Boolean
  "Legal entity type. The value should be present in the `LEGAL_ENTITY_TYPE` dictionary."
  type: [String]
  "Conditions to check on fields of the object’s `addresses` field."
  residenceAddress: AddressFilter
  "Whether the legal entity is present in a unified state register or not?"
  edrVerified: Boolean
  "Legal entity status"
  status: LegalEntityStatus
  "EDRData filter"
  edrData: EDRDataFilter

A condition to be used against `EDRData` object types. All fields are tested for equality and combined with a logical ‘and.’
input EDRDataFilter {
  "The ID of an object"
  id: ID!
  "A unique identification number of a legal entity in the State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine."
  edrpou: String
  "Official name of legal entity"
  name: String
  "Conditions to check on fields of the object’s `addresses` field."
  registrationAddress: AddressFilter
  "Flag whether `edr_data` is actual or not?"
  isActive: Boolean

Methods to use when ordering `LegalEntity`.
enum LegalEntityOrderBy {
  "Sort legal entity by edrpou in ascending order."
  "Sort legal entity by edrpou in descending order."
  "Sort legal entity by inserted at in ascending order."
  "Sort legal entity by inserted at in descending order."
  "Sort legal entity by nhs review at in ascending order."
  "Sort legal entity by nhs review at in descending order."
  "Sort legal entity by nhs verified at in ascending order."
  "Sort legal entity by nhs verified at in descending order."
  "Sort legal entity by status at in ascending order."
  "Sort legal entity by status at in descending order."

A connection to a list of `LegalEntity` values.
type LegalEntityConnection {
  "Information to aid in pagination."
  pageInfo: PageInfo!
  "A list of nodes."
  nodes: [LegalEntity]
  "A list of edges."
  edges: [LegalEntityEdge]

Reads and enables pagination through a set of `LegalEntity`.
type LegalEntityEdge {
  "The item at the end of the edge."
  node: LegalEntity!
  "A cursor for use in pagination."
  cursor: String!

Input for `nhsVerifyLegalEntity` mutation.
input NhsVerifyLegalEntityInput {
  "Legal entity database unique identifier."
  id: ID!
  "Whether `LegalEntity` was verified or not?"
  nhsVerified: Boolean!

Return type for `nhsVerifyLegalEntity` mutation.
In order to verify legal entity user must have a scope `legal_entity:nhs_verify`.
type NhsVerifyLegalEntityPayload {
  "Payload for legal entity."
  legalEntity: LegalEntity

Input for `nhsReviewLegalEntity` mutation.
input NhsReviewLegalEntityInput {
  "Legal entity database unique identifier."
  id: ID!

Return type for `nhsReviewLegalEntity` mutation.
In order to review legal entity user must have a scope `legal_entity:nhs_verify`.
type NhsReviewLegalEntityPayload {
  "Payload for legal entity."
  legalEntity: LegalEntity

Input for `nhsCommentLegalEntity` mutation.
input NhsCommentLegalEntityInput {
  "Legal entity database unique identifier."
  id: ID!
  "Comment for MSP to change legal entity"
  nhsComment: String!

Return type for `nhsCommentLegalEntity` mutation.
In order to comment for legal entity user must have a scope `legal_entity:nhs_verify`.
type NhsCommentLegalEntityPayload {
  "Payload for legal entity."
  legalEntity: LegalEntity

Input for `updateLegalEntityStatus` mutation.
input UpdateLegalEntityStatusInput {
  "Legal entity database unique identifier."
  id: ID!
  "Legal entity status"
  status: LegalEntityUpdateableStatus!
  "Why `LegalEntity` status is changing?"
  reason: String

List of legal entities statuses allowed to update by NHS.
enum LegalEntityUpdateableStatus {
  "Denotes that legal entity is active."
  "Denotes that legal entity is suspended and has limited rights for actions in ehealth system."

Return type for `UpdateLegalEntityStatus` mutation.
In order to update the legal entity status user must have a scope `legal_entity:update`.
type UpdateLegalEntityStatusPayload {
  "Payload for legalEntity."
  legalEntity: LegalEntity

Input for `deactivateLegalEntity` mutation.
input DeactivateLegalEntityInput {
  "Legal entity database unique identifier."
  id: ID!

Return type for `deactivateLegalEntity` mutation.
In order to deactivate legal entity user must have a scope `legal_entity:deactivate`.
type DeactivateLegalEntityPayload {
  "Payload for legalEntity."
  legalEntity: LegalEntity
Legal Entity contains data about medical service providers, pharamcies and MISes.
In order to obtain details user must have a scope `legal_entity:read`.
NHS admin can verify Legal Entity having a scope `legal_entity:nhs_verify`.
Also it's possible to deactivate Legal Entity having a scope `legal_entity:deactivate`
type LegalEntity implements Node {
  "The ID of an object"
  id: ID!
  "Primary key identifier from the database"
  databaseId: UUID!
  "Full official name of legal entity also the name to show on public sources [as map, portal etc]"
  name: String @deprecated(reason: "Use `name` from type `EDRData`.")
  "Legal entity short name."
  shortName: String @deprecated(reason: "Use `shortName` from type `EDRData`.")
  "Legal entity public name."
  publicName: String
    @deprecated(reason: "Use `publicName` from type `EDRData`.")
  "Business form."
  legalForm: String @deprecated(reason: "Use `legalForm` from type `EDRData`.")
  "Ukrainian Industry Classification System, there is a check that at least one of next kveds is input: 86.10, 86.21, 47.73."
  kveds: [String] @deprecated(reason: "Use `kveds` from type `EDRData`.")
  "Legal entity type. The value should be present in the `LEGAL_ENTITY_TYPE` dictionary."
  type: String!
  "A unique identification number of a legal entity in the State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine."
  edrpou: String! @fake(randexp: "^[0-9]{8,10}$")
  "Legal entity status, is set automatically"
  status: LegalEntityStatus!
  "Reason why status was set"
  statusReason: String
  "Legal entity residence address."
  residenceAddress: Address
  "Legal entity addresses."
  addresses: [Address]
      reason: "Use `residenceAddress` and `registrationAddress` from type `EDRData`."
  "Legal entity phone number."
  phones: [Phone]!
  "email to contact person in charge from legal entity"
  email: String! @fake(locale: "uk", method: "")
  "Treasury registration code."
  receiverFundsCode: String @fake(randexp: "^[0-9]{14}$")
  "Dictionary OWNER_PROPERTY_TYPE State or private type of legal entity"
  ownerPropertyType: String @deprecated(reason: "No longer supported")

  "Reads through a set of associated `LegalEntityLicense`."
    "A condition to be used in determining which values should be returned by the collection."
    filter: LegalEntityLicenseFilter
    "The method to use when ordering collection items."
    orderBy: LegalEntityLicenseOrderBy
    "Read all values in the set after (below) this cursor."
    after: String
    "Read all values in the set before (above) this cursor."
    before: String
    "Only read the first _n_ values of the set."
    first: Int
    "Only read the last _n_ values of the set."
    last: Int
  ): LegalEntityLicenseConnection!

  "Accreditation of legal entity."
  accreditations: [LegalEntityAccreditation]

  "In case legal entity is verified by MIS, misVerified = true"
  misVerified: LegalEntityMisVerificationStatus!
  "Change requests for this `LegalEntity` in order to verify it."
  nhsComment: String @fake(locale: "uk", method: "lorem.sentenses")
  "Whether this `LegalEntity` was reviewed or not?"
  nhsReviewed: Boolean
  "Whether this `LegalEntity` was verified by NHS or not?"
  nhsVerified: Boolean
  "Date and time when `LegalEntity` has lost NHS verification."
  nhsUnverifiedAt: DateTime
  "legal entity website"
  website: String @fake(locale: "uk", method: "internet.url")
  "legal owner of legal entity [нформація про власника ЗОЗ, для ФОП не заповнюється]"
  beneficiary: String
    @fake(locale: "uk", format: "{{name.findName}} {{name.jobTitle}}")
  "Legal entity archive information, date and place"
  archives: [LegalEntityArchive]
  "System information: date and time when legal entity was inserted to DB."
  insertedAt: DateTime!
  "First employee with employee_type='OWNER ordered by UPDATED_AT_DESC"
  owner: Employee!
  "Whether the legal entity is present in a unified state register or not?"
  edrVerified: Boolean
  "Data that are synchronised with governmental legal entity database"
  edrData: EDRData

  "Employees wich belong to legal entity"
    "A condition to be used in determining which values should be returned by the collection."
    filter: EmployeeFilter
    "The method to use when ordering collection items."
    orderBy: EmployeeOrderBy
    "Read all values in the set after (below) this cursor."
    after: String
    "Read all values in the set before (above) this cursor."
    before: String
    "Only read the first _n_ values of the set."
    first: Int
    "Only read the last _n_ values of the set."
    last: Int
  ): EmployeeConnection!

  "Divisions within this legal entity."
    "A condition to be used in determining which values should be returned by the collection."
    filter: DivisionFilter
    "The method to use when ordering collection items."
    orderBy: DivisionOrderBy
    "Read all values in the set after (below) this cursor."
    after: String
    "Read all values in the set before (above) this cursor."
    before: String
    "Only read the first _n_ values of the set."
    first: Int
    "Only read the last _n_ values of the set."
    last: Int
  ): DivisionConnection!

  "Main/Active legal entity after merging legal entities."
  mergedToLegalEntity: RelatedLegalEntity

  "Legal entities that are not active anymore and that were merged to this one."
    "A condition to be used in determining which values should be returned by the collection."
    filter: RelatedLegalEntityFilter
    "The method to use when ordering collection items."
    orderBy: RelatedLegalEntityOrderBy
    "Read all values in the set after (below) this cursor."
    after: String
    "Read all values in the set before (above) this cursor."
    before: String
    "Only read the first _n_ values of the set."
    first: Int
    "Only read the last _n_ values of the set."
    last: Int
  ): RelatedLegalEntityConnection!
  "Reads and enables pagination through a set of `Healthcare service`."
    "A condition to be used in determining which values should be returned by the collection."
    filter: HealthcareServiceFilter
    "The method to use when ordering collection items."
    orderBy: HealthcareServiceOrderBy
    "Read all values in the set after (below) this cursor."
    after: String
    "Read all values in the set before (above) this cursor."
    before: String
    "Only read the first _n_ values of the set."
    first: Int
    "Only read the last _n_ values of the set."
    last: Int
  ): HealthcareServiceConnection!

List of legal entities statuses.
enum LegalEntityStatus {
  "Denotes that legal entity is active."
  "Denotes that legal entity is closed. This state is irreversible."
  "Denotes that legal entity is reorganised."
  "Denotes that legal entity is suspended and has limited rights for actions in ehealth system."

List of Mis Verification status.
enum LegalEntityMisVerificationStatus {
  "Status for not verified legal entity by MIS"
  "Status for verified legal entity by MIS"

Legal entity accreditation information.
type LegalEntityAccreditation {
  "Accreditation category."
  category: String
  "The issue date of accreditation."
  issuedDate: Date
  "The expiration date of accreditation."
  expiryDate: Date @fake(locale: "uk", method: "date.future", args: [2])
  "Accreditation order number."
  orderNo: String
  "Accreditation order date."
  orderDate: Date

Inforamtion of transferring paper documents of legal entities to archive.
type LegalEntityArchive {
  "the date when paper documents were transferred to archive"
  date: Date
  "the address of building where paper documents are"
  place: String

Data that are synchronised with governmental legal entity database
type EDRData {
  "The ID of an object"
  id: ID!
  "Primary key identifier from the database"
  databaseId: UUID!
  "Edr key"
  edrId: Int!
  "Full official name of legal entity also the name to show on public sources [as map, portal etc]"
  name: String! @fake(locale: "uk", method: "company.companyName")
  "Legal entity short name."
  shortName: String
    @fake(locale: "uk", method: "company.companyName", args: [0])
  "Legal entity public name."
  publicName: String! @fake(locale: "uk", method: "company.companyName")
  "Business form."
  legalForm: String @fake(locale: "uk", method: "company.companySuffix")
  "Unified Register of Businesses and Organizations"
  edrpou: String! @fake(randexp: "^[0-9]{8,10}$")
  "Ukrainian Industry Classification System, there is a check that at least one of next kveds is input: 86.10, 86.21, 47.73."
  kveds: [EDRkved]!
  "Official registraction address of legalEntity"
  registrationAddress: EDRAddress
  "Flag whether `edr_data` is actual or not?"
  isActive: Boolean!
  "Legal entity status in governmantal database"
  state: Int!
  "Date and time when record was inserted"
  insertedAt: DateTime!
  "Date and time when record was updated"
  updatedAt: DateTime!

Ukrainian Industry Classification System.
type EDRkved {
  "Kved number that is allowed for legal entity"
  code: String
  "Flag if `kved` is promary or not"
  isPrimary: Boolean

Address structure in EDR.
type EDRAddress {
  "Full address"
  address: String
  "Address's zip code"
  zip: String
  "The name of Country"
  country: String
  "Structured full address"
  parts: EDRAddressParts

Structured full address in EDR
type EDRAddressParts {
  "Administrative Territorial Unit"
  atu: String
  "Room number"
  num: String
  "Building number"
  building: String
  "House number"
  house: String
  "Administrative Territorial Unit Code"
  atuCode: String
  "House type"
  houseType: String
  "Name of the street"
  street: String
  "Building type"
  buildingType: String
  "Room Type"
  numType: String
Page Properties


Посилання на Apiary або Swagger


Посилання на ресурс, наприклад: /api/persons/create


Scope для доступу


Зазначається перелік бізнес компонентів, які використовують цей метод, наприклад: ePrescription


Перелік мікросервісів, які використовує метод API, наприклад: Auth, ABAC

Protocol type

Тип протоколу, який використовується запитом, наприклад: SOAP | REST

Request type

Тип запиту API, наприклад: GET, POST, PATCH…


Метод є синхронним чи асинхронним?


Потрібно зазначити тип методу за ступенем доступності


API paragraph not found


  1. Validate merged_to legal_entity

    1. Check legal entity exists and status='active' 

      1. in case of error return 409  error view $ ('Merged to legal entity must be active')

    2. Validate merged_to legal entity is not an active merged_from legal entity  (select * from related_legal_entities where merged_from_id=$merged_to_id and is_active=true) returns empty result

      1. in case of error return 409  error view $merged$ ('Merged to legal entity is in the process of reorganisation itself')

    3. Validate from request=prm.legal_entites.$

      1. in case of error return 422  error view $ ('Invalid legal entity name')

    4. Validate merged_to.edrpou from request=prm.legal_entites.$

      1. in case of error return 422  error view $merged_to.edrpou ('Invalid legal entity edrpou')

  2. Validate merged_from legal_entity

    1. Check merged from legal entity exists and status='active' or 'suspended'

      1. in case of error return 409  error view $ ('Merged from legal entity must be active or suspended')

    2. Validate merged from legal entity is not in the process of reorganization  (select * from related_legal_entities where merged_from_id=$merged_from_id and is_active=true) returns empty result

      1. in case of error return 409  error view $ ('Merged from legal entity is already in the process of reorganisation')

    3. Validate merged from from request=prm.legal_entites.$

      1. in case of error return 422  error view $ ('Invalid legal entity name')

    4. Validate merged from legal_entity.edrpou from request=prm.legal_entites.$

      1. in case of error return 422  error view $merged_from.edrpou ('Invalid legal entity edrpou')

    5. Validate<>mergedid<>

      1. in case of error return 422  error view ('Legator and successor legal entities must be different')

  3. Validate merged_to.legal_entity_type and merged_from.legal_entity_type. Valid type transitions see in the table below.

    1. in case of error return 422  error view ('Invalid legal entity type')
