This WS allows searching for a medication program participant.
Key points
This is a graphQl method used in the Administration panel only.
Only authenticated and authorized NHS employee with an appropriate scope can search a Program medication.
Page Properties |
Link | graphQl method | Resource | graphQl method | Scope | program_medication:read | Components | API paragraph not found | Microservices | API paragraph not found | Protocol type | API paragraph not found | Request type | API paragraph not found | Sync/Async | API paragraph not found |
Get list of all program medications filtered by search parameters.
Render list with program medication data according to schema.
API paragraph not found
Global and configurable parameters
API paragraph not found
Input parameters
API paragraph not found
databaseId. UUID, Primary key identifier from the database
medicalProgram. Medical program filter
isActive. Boolean
medicationRequestAllowed. Boolean, Medication request allowed status
medication. Medication filter
registryNumber. String, registry number filter
medicationType. Medication type filter
GraphQl Specification
Expand |
Code Block |
"Reads and enables pagination through a set of `ProgramMedication`."
"A condition to be used in determining which values should be returned by the collection."
filter: ProgramMedicationFilter
"The method to use when ordering collection items."
orderBy: ProgramMedicationOrderBy
"Read all values in the set after (below) this cursor."
after: String
"Read all values in the set before (above) this cursor."
before: String
"Only read the first _n_ values of the set."
first: Int
"Only read the last _n_ values of the set."
last: Int
): ProgramMedicationConnection! |
Code Block |
Fields to filter reimbursement program medication in the system.
input ProgramMedicationFilter {
"Primary key identifier from the database."
databaseId: UUID
"Medical program filter."
medicalProgram: MedicalProgramFilter
"is_active status."
isActive: Boolean
"Medication request allowed status"
medicationRequestAllowed: Boolean
"Medication filter"
medication: MedicationFilter
"Registry number filter"
registryNumber: String
} |
Code Block |
A connection to a list of `ProgramMedication` items.
type ProgramMedicationConnection {
"Information to aid in pagination."
pageInfo: PageInfo!
"A list of nodes."
nodes: [ProgramMedication]
"A list of edges."
edges: [ProgramMedicationEdge]
} |
Code Block |
Program Medication linkes medication and medical program.
In order to obtain details user must have a scope **program_medication:read**
type ProgramMedication implements Node {
"The ID of an object."
id: ID!
"Primary key identifier from the database."
databaseId: UUID!
medicalProgram: MedicalProgram!
medication: Medication!
"Reimbursement information."
reimbursement: Reimbursement!
"Factory gate price for package of medications"
wholesalePrice: Float
"Consumer price for package of medications"
consumerPrice: Float
"Reimbuersement amount for recommended daily dosage of medication"
reimbursementDailyDosage: Float
"The estimatied amount which patient should pay for package of medications after reimbursement"
estimatedPaymentAmount: Float
"Start date of action for this entry"
startDate: Date
"End date for this entry"
endDate: Date
"General registry identifier"
registryNumber: String
"Whether `ProgramMedication` is active or not?"
isActive: Boolean!
"Whether requesting medications allowed for the `ProgramMedication` or not?"
medicationRequestAllowed: Boolean!
"Date and time when record was inserted"
insertedAt: DateTime!
"Date and time when record was updated"
updatedAt: DateTime!
} |
Extract client_id from token.
Check client scopes in order to perform this action (scope = 'program_medication:read')
API paragraph not found
Response structure
API paragraph not found
API paragraph not found
HTTP status codes
Page Properties |
HTTP status code | Message | What caused the error |
401 | Invalid access token | | 403 | Your scope does not allow to access this resource. Missing allowances: program_medication:read | |
Backward compatibility