Versions Compared


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Table of Contents


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Page Properties


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Protocol type

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Request type

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API paragraph not found




Code Block
Fields to filter service in the system.
input ServiceFilter {
  "Primary key identifier from the database."
  databaseId: UUID
  "Service name."
  name: String
  "Service code."
  code: String
  "Flag whether `Service` is active or not?"
  isActive: Boolean
  "Service category. The value should be present in the `SERVICE_CATEGORY` dictionary."
  category: String

Methods to use when ordering `Services`.
enum ServiceOrderBy {
  "Orders by the object’s `code` field in the ascending order."
  "Orders by the object’s `code` field in the descending order."
  "Sort Service by inserted_at in ascending order."
  "Sort Service by inserted_at in descending order."
  "Sort Services by name in ascending order."
  "Sort Services by name in descending order."

A connection to a list of `Service` items.
type ServiceConnection {
  "Information to aid in pagination."
  pageInfo: PageInfo!
  "A list of nodes."
  nodes: [Service]
  "A list of edges."
  edges: [ServiceEdge]

An edge in a connection of `Service`.
type ServiceEdge {
  "The item at the end of the edge."
  node: Service!
  "A cursor for use in pagination."
  cursor: String!

Input for `createService` mutation.
User must have scopes **service_catalog:write**
input CreateServiceInput {
  "Service name"
  name: String!
  "Service code"
  code: String!
  "Service category. The value should be present in the `SERVICE_CATEGORY` dictionary."
  category: String
  "Service isComposition flag"
  isComposition: Boolean
  "Service requestAllowed flag"
  requestAllowed: Boolean

Return type for `createService` mutation.
type CreateServicePayload {
  "Created `Service`."
  service: Service

Input for `updateService` mutation.
User must have scopes **service_catalog:write**
input UpdateServiceInput {
  "The ID of an object"
  id: ID!
  "Whether requesting allowed for the `Service` or not?"
  requestAllowed: Boolean

Return type for `updateService` mutation.
type UpdateServicePayload {
  "Update `Service`."
  service: Service

Input for `deactivateService` mutation.
User must have scopes **service_catalog:write**
input DeactivateServiceInput {
  "The ID of an object"
  id: ID!

Return type for `deactivateService` mutation.
type DeactivateServicePayload {
  "Deactivated `Service`."
  service: Service

Services that provided by legal entity. User must have a scope **service_catalog:read**
type Service implements Node {
  "The ID of an object"
  id: ID!
  "Primary key identifier from the database"
  databaseId: UUID!
  "Service name"
  name: String!
  "Service code"
  code: String!
  "Service category. The value should be present in the `SERVICE_CATEGORY` dictionary."
  category: String
  "Whether `Service` is active or not?"
  isActive: Boolean!
  "Whether requesting services allowed for the `Service` or not?"
  requestAllowed: Boolean
  "Whether the `Service` is composion or not?"
  isComposition: Boolean

  "Reads and enables pagination through a set of parent `ServiceGroup`."
    "A condition to be used in determining which values should be returned by the collection."
    filter: ServiceGroupFilter
    "The method to use when ordering collection items."
    orderBy: ServiceGroupOrderBy
    "Read all values in the set after (below) this cursor."
    after: String
    "Read all values in the set before (above) this cursor."
    before: String
    "Only read the first _n_ values of the set."
    first: Int
    "Only read the last _n_ values of the set."
    last: Int
  ): ServiceGroupConnection!

  "Date and time when record was inserted"
  insertedAt: DateTime!
  "Date and time when record was updated"
  updatedAt: DateTime!
Code Block
# import Service from "services.graphql"

Fields to filter service group in the system.
input ServiceGroupFilter {
  "Primary key identifier from the database."
  databaseId: UUID
  "Service group name."
  name: String
  "Service group code."
  code: String
  "Flag whether `Service group` is active or not?"
  isActive: Boolean
  "Applies conditions to object’s `parentGroup` field."
  parentGroup: ServiceGroupFilter

Methods to use when ordering `ServicesGroup`.
enum ServiceGroupOrderBy {
  "Orders by the object’s `code` field in the ascending order."
  "Orders by the object’s `code` field in the descending order."
  "Sort ServiceGroup by inserted_at in ascending order."
  "Sort ServiceGroup by inserted_at in descending order."
  "Sort Services by name in ascending order."
  "Sort Services by name in descending order."

A connection to a list of `ServiceGroup` items.
type ServiceGroupConnection {
  "Information to aid in pagination."
  pageInfo: PageInfo!
  "A list of nodes."
  nodes: [ServiceGroup]
  "A list of edges."
  edges: [ServiceGroupEdge]

An edge in a connection of `ServiceGroup`.
type ServiceGroupEdge {
  "The item at the end of the edge."
  node: ServiceGroup!
  "A cursor for use in pagination."
  cursor: String!

Input for `createServiceGroup` mutation.
User must have scopes **service_catalog:write**
input CreateServiceGroupInput {
  "Service group name"
  name: String!
  "Service group code"
  code: String!
  "Whether requesting service groups allowed for the `ServiceGroup` or not?"
  requestAllowed: Boolean!
  "Id of connected service group."
  parentGroupId: ID

Return type for `createServiceGroup` mutation.
type CreateServiceGroupPayload {
  "Created `Service Group`."
  serviceGroup: ServiceGroup

Input for `deactivateServiceGroup` mutation.
User must have scopes **service_catalog:write**
input DeactivateServiceGroupInput {
  "The ID of an object"
  id: ID!

Return type for `deactivateServiceGroup` mutation.
type DeactivateServiceGroupPayload {
  "Deactivated `ServiceGroup`."
  serviceGroup: ServiceGroup

Input for `addServiceToGroup` mutation.
User must have scopes **service_catalog:write**
input AddServiceToGroupInput {
  "Service Id"
  serviceId: ID!
  "Service group Id"
  serviceGroupId: ID!

Return type for `addServiceToGroup` mutation.
type AddServiceToGroupPayload {
  "Updated `Service Group`."
  serviceGroup: ServiceGroup

Input for `updateServiceGroup` mutation.
User must have scopes **service_catalog:write**
input UpdateServiceGroupInput {
  "The ID of an object"
  id: ID!
  "Whether requesting allowed for the `ServiceGroup` or not?"
  requestAllowed: Boolean

Return type for `updateServiceGroup` mutation.
type UpdateServiceGroupPayload {
  "Update `ServiceGroup`."
  serviceGroup: ServiceGroup

Input for `deleteServiceFromGroup` mutation.
User must have scopes **service_catalog:write**
input DeleteServiceFromGroupInput {
  "Service Id"
  serviceId: ID!
  "Service group Id"
  serviceGroupId: ID!

Return type for `deleteServiceFromGroup` mutation.
type DeleteServiceFromGroupPayload {
  "Updated `Service Group`."
  serviceGroup: ServiceGroup

Service group that provided by legal entity. User must have a scope **service_catalog:read**
type ServiceGroup implements Node {
  "The ID of an object"
  id: ID!
  "Primary key identifier from the database"
  databaseId: UUID!
  "Service group name"
  name: String!
  "Service group code"
  code: String!
  "Whether the `ServiceGroup` is active or not?"
  isActive: Boolean!
  "Parent service group"
  parentGroup: ServiceGroup

  "Reads through a set of associated `ServiceGroup`."
    "A condition to be used in determining which values should be returned by the collection."
    filter: ServiceGroupFilter
    "The method to use when ordering collection items."
    orderBy: ServiceGroupOrderBy
    "Read all values in the set after (below) this cursor."
    after: String
    "Read all values in the set before (above) this cursor."
    before: String
    "Only read the first _n_ values of the set."
    first: Int
    "Only read the last _n_ values of the set."
    last: Int
  ): ServiceGroupConnection!

  "Whether requesting service groups allowed for the `ServiceGroup` or not?"
  requestAllowed: Boolean!

  "Reads through a set of associated `ServiceGroup`."
    "A condition to be used in determining which values should be returned by the collection."
    filter: ServiceFilter
    "The method to use when ordering collection items."
    orderBy: ServiceOrderBy
    "Read all values in the set after (below) this cursor."
    after: String
    "Read all values in the set before (above) this cursor."
    before: String
    "Only read the first _n_ values of the set."
    first: Int
    "Only read the last _n_ values of the set."
    last: Int
  ): ServiceConnection!

  "Date and time when record was inserted"
  insertedAt: DateTime!
  "Date and time when record was updated"
  updatedAt: DateTime!


Code Block
Feature: Update service

  Scenario Outline: Successful update
    Given the following services exist:
      | databaseId    | requestAllowed    |
      | <database_id> | <request_allowed> |
    And my scope is "service_catalog:write"
    And my client type is "NHS"
    And my consumer ID is "46d29f1b-122c-40ae-a36b-be138fb9c987"
    When I update the <field> with <next_value> in the service where databaseId is <database_id>
    Then no errors should be returned
    And I should receive requested item
    And the <field> of the requested item should be <next_value>

      | database_id                            | field          | next_value | request_allowed |
      | "3b1a0ad5-7cc4-4e3d-900f-dbff37cdc601" | requestAllowed | false      | true            |
      | "b5324d08-5d4b-4b54-9a4a-5d15f30877c1" | requestAllowed | true       | false           |

  Scenario: Update with incorrect scope
    Given the following services exist:
      | databaseId                             | requestAllowed |
      | "a6516e2e-aa11-4ed2-881f-9b0aa2ec9f11" | false          |
    And my scope is "service_catalog:read"
    And my consumer ID is "46d29f1b-122c-40ae-a36b-be138fb9c987"
    When I update the requestAllowed with true in the service where databaseId is "a6516e2e-aa11-4ed2-881f-9b0aa2ec9f11"
    Then the "FORBIDDEN" error should be returned
    And I should not receive requested item

  Scenario: Update with incorrect client
    Given the following services exist:
      | databaseId                             | requestAllowed |
      | "d12ba795-bfd6-3f87-ae04-b2864d7fdca1" | false          |
    And my scope is "service_catalog:write"
    And my client type is "MIS"
    And my consumer ID is "46d29f1b-122c-40ae-a36b-be138fb9c987"
    When I update the requestAllowed with true in the service where databaseId is "d12ba795-bfd6-3f87-ae04-b2864d7fdca1"
    Then the "FORBIDDEN" error should be returned
    And I should not receive requested item

  Scenario: Update non-existent item
    Given my scope is "service_catalog:write"
    And my client type is "NHS"
    And my consumer ID is "46d29f1b-122c-40ae-a36b-be138fb9c987"
    When I update the requestAllowed with true in the service where databaseId is "a41ba795-ffd6-af87-1e04-f2864d7fdc22"
    Then the "NOT_FOUND" error should be returned
    And I should not receive requested item

  Scenario: Update inactive item
    Given the following services exist:
      | databaseId                             | isActive | requestAllowed |
      | "a41ba795-ffd6-af87-1e04-f2864d7fdc22" | false    | true           |
    And my scope is "service_catalog:write"
    And my client type is "NHS"
    And my consumer ID is "46d29f1b-122c-40ae-a36b-be138fb9c987"
    When I update the requestAllowed with false in the service where databaseId is "a41ba795-ffd6-af87-1e04-f2864d7fdc22"
    Then the "CONFLICT" error should be returned
    And I should not receive requested item
Code Block
Feature: Update service group

  Scenario Outline: Successful update
    Given the following service groups exist:
      | databaseId    | requestAllowed    |
      | <database_id> | <request_allowed> |
    And my scope is "service_catalog:write"
    And my client type is "NHS"
    And my consumer ID is "e2c24b94-beb6-4522-b3a9-9eb4f0b42d9e"
    When I update the <field> with <next_value> in the service group where databaseId is <database_id>
    Then no errors should be returned
    And I should receive requested item
    And the <field> of the requested item should be <next_value>

      | database_id                            | field          | next_value | request_allowed |
      | "2c14b0cf-00cb-4807-ada0-e73ad13f0d8a" | requestAllowed | false      | true            |
      | "fd4318ea-f90a-485c-ad63-897ee769d089" | requestAllowed | true       | false           |

  Scenario: Update with incorrect scope
    Given the following service groups exist:
      | databaseId                             | requestAllowed |
      | "035d637f-ec30-4a3d-89ac-d0f53fb67f9a" | false          |
    And my scope is "service_catalog:read"
    And my consumer ID is "e2c24b94-beb6-4522-b3a9-9eb4f0b42d9e"
    When I update the requestAllowed with true in the service group where databaseId is "035d637f-ec30-4a3d-89ac-d0f53fb67f9a"
    Then the "FORBIDDEN" error should be returned
    And I should not receive requested item

  Scenario: Update with incorrect client
    Given the following service groups exist:
      | databaseId                             | requestAllowed |
      | "035d637f-ec30-4a3d-89ac-d0f53fb67f9a" | false          |
    And my scope is "service_catalog:write"
    And my client type is "MIS"
    And my consumer ID is "e2c24b94-beb6-4522-b3a9-9eb4f0b42d9e"
    When I update the requestAllowed with true in the service group where databaseId is "035d637f-ec30-4a3d-89ac-d0f53fb67f9a"
    Then the "FORBIDDEN" error should be returned
    And I should not receive requested item

  Scenario: Update non-existent item
    Given my scope is "service_catalog:write"
    And my client type is "NHS"
    And my consumer ID is "e2c24b94-beb6-4522-b3a9-9eb4f0b42d9e"
    When I update the requestAllowed with true in the service group where databaseId is "035d637f-ec30-4a3d-89ac-d0f53fb67f9a"
    Then the "NOT_FOUND" error should be returned
    And I should not receive requested item

  Scenario: Update inactive item
    Given the following service groups exist:
      | databaseId                             | isActive | requestAllowed |
      | "035d637f-ec30-4a3d-89ac-d0f53fb67f9a" | false    | true           |
    And my scope is "service_catalog:write"
    And my client type is "NHS"
    And my consumer ID is "e2c24b94-beb6-4522-b3a9-9eb4f0b42d9e"
    When I update the requestAllowed with false in the service group where databaseId is "035d637f-ec30-4a3d-89ac-d0f53fb67f9a"
    Then the "CONFLICT" error should be returned
    And I should not receive requested item



API paragraph not found

Input parameters

Input parameter







Request structure

API paragraph not found


  1. Verify the validity of access token

  2. Check user scope (scope =


  1. service_catalog:


  1. write’) in order to perform this action

    1. In case error - generate 401 response


API paragraph not found

Request data validation

Validate status

Service/Service group should be active (is_active == TRUE)

  1. Validate `is_active` == FALSE

    1. if invalid  - return 409 eror (message: "Service/Service group should be active !")

Validate PK Service/Service group

Check on existing Service/Service group record 

  1. Check exist Service/Service group by $.id.

    1. if invalid - return 404 error (message: "Service/Service group is not found!")


Update service/service group

Update service/service group requestAllowed values:









Response structure

API paragraph not found

Post-processing processes

API paragraph not found

HTTP status codes

API paragraph not found