Name | Type | M/O | Description and constraints | Status|||
id | uuid | M | ||||
person_infodata | jsonb | M | ||||
personmpi_confidant_personid | jsonbuuid | O | person_emergency_contact | jsonb | Oif update person and it's id is passed | |
status | varchar | M | Dictionary: NEW, APPROVED, SIGNED, CANCELLED, EXPIRED, REJECTED | |||
authentication_method_currenctcurrent | jsonb | M | ||||
mpichannel | varchar | M | ||||
tax_id | uuidvarchar | Olegal | ||||
last_ | entiityname | jsonbvarchar | M | legal_entity_id | ||
first_name | varchar | M | ||||
birth_date | varchar | M | ||||
person_ | tax_idvarchardocuments | jsonb | M | |||
documents | jsonb | O | urls for documents | |||
printout form | text | O | ||||
inserted_at | timestamp | M | person_last_name | |||
inserted_by | UUID | M | ||||
updated_at | timestamp | M | person_first_name | |||
updated_by | uuid | M | ||||
authorize_with | uuid | O | identifier of person's auth method |
Person authentication method
Name | Type | M/O | Description |
id | UUID | M | |
person_ |
id | UUID | M | |
third_person_id | UUID | M | |
alias | varchar | M |
status |
varchar | M |
person_authentication_method_currenct | jsonb | M |
third_person_authentication_method_currenct | jsonb | M | |
inserted_at | timestamp | M | |
inserted_by |
UUID | M | ||
updated_at | timestamp | M | |
updated_by |
UUID | M |