This WS is designed to return Program_medications list by filters.
Input parameters (filters)
- id (optional)
- medical_program_id (optional)
- medical_program_name (optional, as `LIKE *`)
- innm_id (optional)
- innm_name (optional, as `LIKE *`)
- medication_id (optional)
- medication_name (optional, as `LIKE *`)
Logic WS
- Verify the validity of access token
- Check user scopes in order to perform this action (scope = 'program_medications:read')
Search Program_medications by filters and show:
id (program_medications_id)
medication_nameformmanufacturerreimbursement_amountinnm_nameWhen filter by innm we show only medication where this innm in medication.dosage has is_active_substance=true.
Prepare & return response data structure
- Fill response WS data structure
- Validate response using JSON schemas (!!! TBD)
- Return 422 with list of validation errors in case validation fails (422 EView)