This service returns a list of all active legal entities of all types (except MIS) filtering result by query parameters
See on Apiary
Request structure
API paragraph not found
Verify the validity of access token
Check user scope legal_entity:read in order to perform this action
Authorization:Bearer c2778f3064753ea70de870a53795f5c9
Request data validation
Check user context
Return response to user limited by context from user's token
Token type | Limitation |
TOKENS_TYPES_PERSONAL | Limited by Legal Entity (ID) |
TOKENS_TYPES_MIS | No limitations |
TOKENS_TYPES_ADMIN | No limitations |
Get legal entities
Invoke PRM.Legal Entities List
By default service returns legal entities with type - MSP
Service return only active legal_entities, where is_active = true
If settlement_id passes as input parameter - legal entities should be filtered by setllement_id in residence address only
Method returns list of objects with short details from PRM DM legal_entity table and pagination information.
For each legal entity return in response:
legal entity details from legal_entities table and from edr_data table
licenses from licenses table
services from capitation_contract table
addresses from legal_entity table
phones from legal_entity table
emails from legal_entity table
founders from legal_entity table
If according to filters Legal Entities are not found, WS returns empty data array.
Response structure
Post-processing processes
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