Document type | Метод REST API |
Document title | [Document status] REST API [Назва методу] [ID методу] |
Guideline ID | GUI-0011 |
Author | @ |
Document version | 1 |
Document status | DRAFT |
Date of creation | ХХ.ХХ.ХХХХ (дата фінальної версії документа – RC або PROD) |
Date of update | ХХ.ХХ.ХХХХ (дата зміни версії) |
Method API ID | API-007-010-001-0311 |
Microservices (namespace) | ME |
Component | Service request |
Component ID | COM-007-010 |
Link на API-специфікацію | |
Resource | {{host}}/api/patients/{{patient_id}}/service_requests/{{service_request_id}} |
Scope | service_request:read |
Protocol type | REST |
Request type | GET |
Sync/Async | Sync |
Public/Private | Public |
This method returns the details of the service request by identifier. without specifying the episode of care
Description of the working algorithm of the API method and the interaction of services with each other add Service logic (if necessary)
Description of the configuration parameters that are used when processing a request in the system
Provides a list of links to dictionaries that are available in Confluence
Input parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description | Example | |
1 | patient_id |
| String | Unique patient identifier |
2 | service_request_id |
| String | Unique service request identifier |
See on Apiary
See on API-specification
Key | Value | Mandatory | Description | Example | |
1 | Content-Type | application/json | M | Тип контенту | Content-Type:application/json |
2 | Authorization | Bearer {token} |
| Authorization: Bearer {token} |
3 | api-key | {secret} | api-key: {secret} |
Verify the validity of access token
Return (401, 'unauthorized') in case of validation fails
Verify that token is not expired
in case of error - return (401, 'unauthorized')
Check user scopes in order to perform this action (scope = 'service_request:read')
Return (403, 'invalid scopes') in case of invalid scope(s)
Request to process the request using a token in the headers
Access to the resource is also managed by .
Get Service request by person_id and service_request_id from service_request (MongoDB)
Validate data consistency:
Ensure that requested Service requests have ABAC context
Return 403 ('Access denied') in case of error
Render a response according to specification with found Service requests entities.
See on Apiary
See on API-specification
Response code | HTTP Status code | Message | Internal name | Description | |
1 | Базові | ||||
2 | 200 |
| ||
3 | 403 | Access denied | |||
4 | 403 | invalid scopes | |||
5 | 404 |
| Service request not found | ||
6 | Специфічні | ||||
7 |
Description of actions performed on data after processing
List of pages describing technical modules where the method is used
Название | ID ТМ | Статус |
TM0112 | ||