
This WS is designed to create legal entities in eHealth system or update existing ones.

Key points

  1. This is a REST method used by MIS

  2. Legal entity request must be signed with DS

  3. This is a second version of create / update legal entity endpoint. Main differences from version 1 are descriped below

Main diffenrences from V1

  1. Legal entity types and licenses are created/updated one by one, i.e. one legal entity type and one license are accepted in one call

  2. medical_services_providers structure is removed, accreditation parameter is moved to edr_legal_entities table

  3. legal entity type calculation rules are removed

  4. Validation and merge of kveds step is removed

  5. Mithrill AuthAPI call is changed

  6. MIS verification is removed

  7. Suspend contract on name change is removed

  8. Owner employee can be updated 




Посилання на Apiary або Swagger



Посилання на ресурс, наприклад: /api/persons/create



Scope для доступу


Legal Entities

Зазначається перелік бізнес компонентів, які використовують цей метод, наприклад: ePrescription


API paragraph not found

Перелік мікросервісів, які використовує метод API, наприклад: Auth, ABAC

Protocol type


Тип протоколу, який використовується запитом, наприклад: SOAP | REST

Request type


Тип запиту API, наприклад: GET, POST, PATCH…



Метод є синхронним чи асинхронним?




  1. Search for existing legal entity in PRM DB based on data from request:

    1. legal_entities.edrpou = $.edrpou

    2. legal_entities.type = $.type

    3. legal_entities.status = ‘ACTIVE’ or ‘SUSPENDED’

  2. If such legal entity is not found, proceed to Create legal entity process

  3. If such legal entity is found, proceed to Update legal entity process

Create legal entity

  1. Save signed content to media storage.

  2. Get detailed data from EDR for active EDR record of legal entity (described at EDR data validation )

  3. Create or update edr_data record based on logic:

    1. If active EDR record of legal entity exists in edr_data table in PRM DB (edr_data.edr_id = $.id of EDR response), update record in edr_data table with following fields from EDR response:

      1. name = names.display

      2. short_name = names.short

      3. public_name = names.name

      4. legal_form = olf_code

      5. kveds = activity_kinds

      6. registration_address = address

      7. updated_by = consumer_id from MIS API token

      8. updated_at = now()

    2. If active EDR record of legal entity does not exist in edr_data table in PRM DB (edr_data.edr_id = $.id of EDR response), create new record in edr_data table with following fields from EDR response:

      1. id = generate (uuid)

      2. edr_id = id

      3. name = names.display

      4. short_name = names.short

      5. public_name = names.name

      6. legal_form = olf_code

      7. kveds = activity_kinds

      8. registration_address = address

      9. is_active = true

      10. inserted_by = consumer_id from MIS API token

      11. updated_by = consumer_id from MIS API token

      12. inserted_at = now()

      13. updated_at = now()

  4. Generate legal_entity_id that will be used also as client_id

  5. Create new record in legal_entities table in PRM DB according to received request, also add following fields:

    1. id = legal_entity_id

    2. name = edr_data.name from created EDR data record

    3. public_name = edr_data.public_name from created EDR data record

    4. short_name = edr_data.short_name from created EDR data record

    5. status = value according to LEGAL_ENTITY_CREATE_STATUS chart parameter (described at Legal Entities configurable parameters )

    6. is_active = true

    7. inserted_by = consumer_id from MIS API token

    8. updated_by = consumer_id from MIS API token

    9. inserted_at = now()

    10. updated_at = now()

    11. created_by_mis_client_id = client_id from MIS API token

    12. nhs_unverified_at = now()

    13. nhs_verified = false

    14. nhs_reviewed = false

    15. edr_data_id = edr_data.id from created EDR data record

  6. Create new record in licenses table in PRM DB according to received request, also add following fields:

    1. is_primary = true

    2. legal_entity_id = legal_entities.id

    3. is_active = true

    4. inserted_by = consumer_id from MIS API token

    5. updated_by = consumer_id from MIS API token

    6. inserted_at = now()

    7. updated_at = now()

  7. Create employee request for owner according to Create employee request v2

  8. Create client details and connection in MITHRIL DB:

    1. Generate client record using legal_entities.id in MITHRIL DB.

    2. Get consumer_id from MIS API token

    3. Create client connection in MITHRIL DB for client and consumer

  9. Create response with following data

    1. Legal entity, primary license and edr data details

    2. Created employee request id

    3. Client connection details

Update legal entity

  1. Save signed content to media storage

  2. Get detailed data from EDR for active EDR record (described at EDR data validation )

  3. Create or update edr_data record based on logic:

    1. If active EDR record of legal entity exists in edr_data table in PRM DB (edr_data.edr_id = $.id of EDR response) and corresponds to legal entity that is being updated (legal_entities.edr_data_id=edr_data.id), update record in edr_data table with following fields from EDR response:

      1. name = names.display

      2. short_name = names.short

      3. public_name = names.name

      4. legal_form = olf_code

      5. kveds = activity_kinds

      6. registration_address = address

      7. updated_by = consumer_id from MIS API token

      8. updated_at = now()

    2. If active EDR record of legal entity does not exist in edr_data table in PRM DB (edr_data.edr_id = $.id of EDR response), create new record in edr_data table with following fields from EDR response:

      1. id = generate (uuid)

      2. edr_id = id

      3. name = names.display

      4. short_name = names.short

      5. public_name = names.name

      6. legal_form = olf_code

      7. kveds = activity_kinds

      8. registration_address = address

      9. is_active = true

      10. inserted_by = consumer_id from MIS API token

      11. updated_by = consumer_id from MIS API token

      12. inserted_at = now()

      13. updated_at = now()

  4. If edr_data.state is not in ACTIVE_EDR_STATES chart parameter, update legal entity status in legal_entities table (PRM DB):

    1. status = ‘SUSPENDED’

    2. status_reason = 'MANUAL_LEGAL_ENTITY_STATUS_UPDATE'

  5. If legal entity status was changed to SUSPENDED:

    1. terminate related capitation contract requests

    2. suspend related capitation contracts

  6. Update license with following logic:

    1. If $.license_id is null then

      1. Check if any attribute has changed comparing request and licenses data. If any, then:

        1. Update license data in licenses table (PRM DB) according to received request for is_primary license record, additionally:

          1. updated_by = consumer_id from MIS API token

          2. updated_at = now()

        2. For legal entity record in legal_entities related to the primary license, update following parameters in PRM DB:

          1. set nhs_reviewed = false

          2. set nhs_verified = false

          3. set nhs_unverified_at = now()

    2. If $.license_id is not null then skip license update

  7. Update legal_entities data in PRM DB according to received request, also update following fields:

    1. name = edr_data.name from created EDR data record (if edr_data was updated)

    2. public_name = edr_data.public_name from created EDR data record (if edr_data was updated)

    3. short_name = edr_data.short_name from created EDR data record (if edr_data was updated)

    4. updated_by = consumer_id from MIS API token

    5. updated_at = now()

    6. edr_data_id = edr_data.id from created EDR data record (if edr_data was updated)

  8. Create employee request for owner according to Create employee request v2

  9. Update client details and connection in MITHRIL DB:

    1. Get consumer_id from MIS API token

    2. Create new client connection in MITHRIL DB for client and consumer_id

  10. Create response with following data

    1. Legal entity, primary license and edr data details

    2. Created employee request id

    3. Client connection details

Input parameters





API paragraph not found

Request structure


  "signed_legal_entity_request": "...",
  "signed_content_encoding": "base64"




Authorization:Bearer c2778f3064753ea70de870a53795f5c9

Request data validation

Validate Digital signature

Validate request

Validate residence address

Validate owner

Validate tax_id

Validate birth date

Validate owners position

Validate existing owner

Existing owner must be validated only if $.owner.employee_id is passed in request.

Validate legal entity with EDR

Validate license

Check license according to the schema below.

License from request must be validated with related primary license (licenses.is_primary=true where licenses.legal_entity_id=legal_entities.id).

Check if license is needed for legal entity type is performed based on LEGAL_ENTITY_<LEGAL_ENTITY_TYPE>_PRIMARY_LICENSE_TYPES chart parameter (described at Legal Entities configurable parameters )


Save signed content

Generate RESOURCE_NAME for signed content

Generate RESOURCE_ID for Legal Entity

Invoke Media Content Storage to get upload URL for the document











Refresh EDR data

  1. Get detailed data from EDR for active EDR record: call EDR data validation using id, received on step EDR Validation.

  2. Create or Update record in prm.edr_data for active EDR record data.

Search Legal Entity using EDRPOU from Signer Certificate

Search Legal Entity in prm.legal_entities using EDRPOU from Signer Certificate where legal_entities.type = Request: $.type and status = active or suspended

If Legal Entity not found go to Generate client and legal entity identifier

If Legal Entity found go to Update Client in Auth

Update Client in Auth

Update Redirect URI

Update Legal Entity

See Service specification

Create/Update licenses

  1. If $.license_id is not null then

    1. Check if any attribute has changed comparing request and prm.licenses data. If any, then:

      1. For each record in prm.legal_entities related to the license:

        1. If nhs_reviewed = true reset it to false

        2. If nhs_verified = true

          1. reset it to false

          2. set nhs_verified_change_date to current date

    2.  Update prm.licenses data according to received request

  2.  If $.license_id is null then create new record according to received request

    1. link license and edr_data record

Update legal_entities

  1. Update prm.legal_entities data according to received request

    1. link to the license if license_id is not null 

    2. populate updated_by, updated_at

  2. If nhs_reviewed = true reset it to false

  3. If nhs_verified = true reset it to false and set nhs_verified_change_date to current date

Update LE official name

Extract official name from Digital signature. 

Update Contract Request

Find contract requests related to current legal entity in status = NEW, APPROVED, PENDING_NHS_SIGN, NHS_SIGNED, set status = 'TERMINATED', status_reason "Legal Entity Data has changed"

Generate client and legal entity identifier

Generate UUID as client identifier and legal entity identifier

Create client and connection in Auth

  1. Invoke Auth API (idempotent PUT) to register new client and generate client secret key 

  2. Determine MIS_ID (consumer_id) using api-key

  3. Invoke Put client connection in order to UpSet connection in Mithril for this client and consumer

Create new Legal Entity

See Service specification

Create/Update licenses

  1. If $.license_id is not null then

    1. Check if any attribute has changed comparing request and prm.licenses data. If any, then:

      1. For each record in prm.legal_entities related to the license:

        1. If nhs_reviewed = true reset it to false

        2. If nhs_verified = true

          1. reset it to false

          2. set nhs_verified_change_date to current date

    2.  Update prm.licenses data according to received request

  2.  If $.license_id is null then create new record according to received request

    1. link license and edr_data record

Populate legal_entities table

  1. Create new record according to received request

    1. Link it to the license

    2. Link it to edr_data record

  2. Set  `nhs_reviewed` and `nhs_verified` to false

  3. Set status = active suspended

  4. Set nhs_verified_change_date to current date

Save LE official name

Extract official name from Digital signature. 

Data sources which are using during creation of prm.legal_entities

Register employee

Create or update new employee request with employee_type == 'OWNER'

Init Create employee request V2





Request: $.employee_id


Generated previously


Const: OWNER


Request: $.owner.position






Request: $.owner

Response structure

See on Apiary


  "meta": {
    "code": 200,
    "url": "https://example.com/resource",
    "type": "object",
    "request_id": "req-adasdoijasdojsda"
  "data": {
    "id": "b075f148-7f93-4fc2-b2ec-2d81b19a9b7b",
    "edr": {
      "id": "b075f148-7f93-4fc2-b2ec-2d81b19a9b7b",
      "name": "Клініка Ноунейм",
      "short_name": "Ноунейм",
      "public_name": "Ноунейм",
      "legal_form": "140",
      "edrpou": "54323454",
      "kveds": [
          "name": "Діяльність лікарняних закладів",
          "code": "86.10",
          "is_primary": true
      "registration_address": {
        "zip": "02090",
        "country": "УКРАЇНА",
        "address": "Волинська обл., місто Луцьк ВУЛИЦЯ КОНЯКІНА буд. 14 кв. 144",
        "parts": {
          "atu": "Волинська обл., місто Луцьк",
          "atu_code": "0710100000",
          "street": "ВУЛИЦЯ КОНЯКІНА",
          "house_type": "буд.",
          "house": "14",
          "building_type": "null",
          "building": "``",
          "num_type": "кв.",
          "num": "144"
      "state": 1
    "edrpou": "32323454",
    "type": "PRIMARY_CARE",
    "residence_address": {
      "type": "RESIDENCE",
      "country": "UA",
      "area": "Житомирська",
      "region": "Бердичівський",
      "settlement": "Київ",
      "settlement_type": "CITY",
      "settlement_id": "b075f148",
      "street_type": "STREET",
      "street": "вул. Ніжинська",
      "building": "15",
      "apartment": "23",
      "zip": "02090"
    "phones": [
        "type": "MOBILE",
        "number": "+380503410870"
    "email": "email@example.com",
    "website": "www.msp.com.ua",
    "receiver_funds_code": "12345",
    "beneficiary": "Борисов Борис Борисович",
    "accreditation": {
      "category": "SECOND",
      "issued_date": "2017-02-28",
      "expiry_date": "2017-02-28",
      "order_no": "fd123443",
      "order_date": "2017-02-28"
    "license": {
      "id": "b075f148-7f93-4fc2-b2ec-2d81b19a9b7b",
      "type": "MSP",
      "license_number": "fd123443",
      "issued_by": "Кваліфікацйна комісія",
      "issued_date": "2017-02-28",
      "expiry_date": "2017-02-28",
      "active_from_date": "2017-02-28",
      "what_licensed": "реалізація наркотичних засобів",
      "order_no": "ВА43234"
    "archive": [
        "date": "2017-02-28",
        "place": "вул. Грушевського 15"
    "public_offer": {
      "consent_text": "Consent text",
      "consent": true
    "status": "ACTIVE",
    "nhs_verified": false,
    "nhs_reviewed": false,
    "nhs_comment": "comment"
  "urgent": {
    "security": {
      "secret_key": "secret_key",
      "client_id": "client_id",
      "redirect_uri": "redirect_uri"
    "employee_request_id": "d098aee7-5ab3-4a24-a6ba-811f9cf94c6d"

Post-processing processes

API paragraph not found

HTTP status codes

HTTP status code


What caused the error





  • Api key is not set

  • Invalid api key



Your scope does not allow to access this resource. Missing allowances: legal_entity:write


  • Employee doesn't belong to your legal entity

  • Invalid employee status

  • Invalid employee type


  1. document must contain 1 signature and 0 stamps but contains 0 signatures and 0 stamps

  2. More than 1 active entities in EDR

  3. Provided EDRPOU is not active in EDR

  4. Employee not found

  5. invalid owner position value

  6. invalid birth_date value

  7. invalid tax_id value

  8. invalid area value

  9. invalid settlement value

  10. settlement with id = $.residence_address.settlement_id does not exist

  11. No duplicate values.

  12. Validate decoded input data $.signed_legal_entity_request using JSON schema failed

  13. Validate request using JSON schema


  14. EDRPOU and DRFO is empty in digital sign

  15. DRFO does not match signer drfo

  16. EDRPOU does not match legal_entity edrpou

  17. string does not match pattern

Backward compatibility

API paragraph not found