RC_Reject Medication Request (modified - EN)

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RC_Reject Medication Request (modified - EN)



This WS is designed to recall (cancel) previously created and signed Medication request (patch).

Input parameters (filters)

  • id 

  • reason


  1. Verify the validity of access token

  2. Check user scope (scope = 'medication_request:reject') in order to perform this action

    1. In case error - generate 401 response

Digital signature

Decode content that is encrypted in an electronic digital signature.
Use Digital signature WS. Method checks digital signature and returns result.
See service specification

Validate DS

Extract user from token

  • check if tax_id in DS = (SELECT parties.tax_id from party_users join parties on party_users.party_id=


    where party_users.user_id=$.user;)

    • in case error return error 422, "Invalid drfo in DS"

Validate User

Do reject Medication Request allowed for User if he has following active and approved employee that:

  1. is an author of the Medication Request (medication_request.employee_id)

  2. has an approval on write Care plan if Medication Request based on the Care plan (medication_request.based_on)

  3. is a Doctor who has declaration with the Patient.

    1. in case of error - return 409 ("Only an author, employee with approval on care plan or doctor with an active declaration with the patient can reject medication request")

Check signed content

Check that signed content contains all required fields and is equal to stored object

  1. Decode signed content

  2. Render requested medication request

  3. Check that rendered and decoded data matches

Note! Medication request with intent plan and order has different structure

  • Medical program is optional object in order

    Medical program is absent in plan

Validation transition

  1. For info - status charts: Medication_request

  2. Get Medication request status by $.id

  3. Check status of medication request == ACTIVE

    1. if invalid - return 409 error (message: "Invalid status Medication request for reject transition!")'

  4. Check connected medication dispenses medication_dispenses.status !== PROCESSED or NEW

    1. if invalid - return 409 error (message: "Medication request with connected processed medication dispenses can not be rejected")

  5. Validate request using JSON schema

    1. In case validation fails - generate 422 error

  6. Validate content. Check equality decoded signed content with previously created medication request, except, "Reason"!

    1. in case error return 422, "Signed content does not match the previously created content."

Save signed medication request reject to media storage

  1. Get url for medication request reject upload. 




  2. Upload signed medication request reject to media storage

Update status

  1. Update (Set values) Medication request

    1. status  =  REJECTED

    2. updated_by = user_id

    3. updated_at = timestamp

Add status to event manager

After status was changed (status = REJECTED) - add new status to event_manager

















Send SMS for person 

If MR has program with medical program setting medication_request_notification_disabled = true, then don't send SMS.


  1. Get authentication_method of MPI

  2. If authentication_method == OTP -  send SMS:

    1. Generate text SMS (call Man method - templates rendering service with template "TEMPLATE_SMS_FOR_REJECT_MEDICATION_REQUEST".

    2. Sending SMS for MPI via service 

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