(RC-1 MRIN) Get Drugs Dictionary 

ЕСОЗ - публічна документація

(RC-1 MRIN) Get Drugs Dictionary 




This WS is designed to get list of detailed information for Innms.

Input parameters (filters)

  • innm_id (optional)

  • innm_sctid (optional)

  • innm_name (optional)

  • innm_dosage_form (optional)

  • innm_dosage_id (optional)

  • innm_dosage_name (optional)

  • medication_code_atc (optional)

  • medical_program_id (optional)

Logic WS

  1. Verify the validity of access token

  2. Check user scopes in order to perform this action (scope = 'drugs:read')

  3. Search drugs by filters in WS url:

    1. Select data with input filters:

      SELECT DISTINCT I.id, I.sctid, I.name, I.name_original, MI.id, MI.form, I_1.dosage, I_1.is_primary, MED.container, MED.package_qty, MED.package_min_qty FROM innms I -- 1st level: Innm INNER JOIN ingredients I_1 -- Ingredients for INNM_DOSAGE ON I_1.innm_child_id = I.id INNER JOIN medications MI -- 2nd level: Medication (type = INNM_DOSAGE) ON MI.type == INNM_DOSAGE AND MI.id == I_1.parent_id INNER JOIN ingredients I_2 -- Ingredients for INNM_DOSAGE ON I_2.medication_child_id = MI.id AND I_2.is_primary == TRUE INNER JOIN medications MED -- 3rd level: Medication (type = BRAND) ON MED.type == BRAND AND MED.id == I_2.parent_id LEFT JOIN program_medications PM -- optional filter by medical_program on MED.id = pm.medication_id AND PM.is_active = TRUE LEFT JOIN medical_programs MP on PM.medical_program_id = MP.id AND MP.is_active = TRUE WHERE I.is_active == TRUE AND MI.is_active == TRUE AND MED.is_active == TRUE AND (I.id = $.innm_id OR $.innm_id IS NULL) AND (I.sctid = $.innm_sctid OR $.innm_sctid IS NULL) AND (I.name = $.innm_name OR $.innm_name IS NULL) AND (MI.id = $.innm_dosage_id OR $.innm_dosage_id IS NULL) AND (MED.code_atc = $.medication_code_atc OR $.medication_code_atc IS NULL) AND (MI.name = $.innm_dosage_name OR $.innm_dosage_name IS NULL) AND (MI.form = $.innm_dosage_form OR $.innm_dosage_form IS NULL)   AND (MP.id = $.medical_program_id OR $.medical_program_id IS NULL)

    2. optional additional filters:

      1. limit (limit response size - quantity of innm objects). By default returned 50 objects.

    3. mandatory (hidden) conditions:

      1. innms.is_active = TRUE

ЕСОЗ - публічна документація