RC_1_PSYHO_Get Medication requests List in care plan context

ЕСОЗ - публічна документація

RC_1_PSYHO_Get Medication requests List in care plan context


Get Medication Requests in care plan context


This WS is designed to search (get list) of Medication requests in the care plan context. If the user has approval of the care plan plan, he will receive a list of Medication requests regardless of the legal entity which are created on the basis of this care plan.

According to requirements:

  • User of MSP, PRIMARY_CARE, OUTPATIENT (DOCTOR, SPECIALIST, etc) can see Medication requests based on the approval of the care plan that is contained in the Medication request

Input parameters (filters)

  • legal_entity_id (optional)

  • employee_id (optional)

  • person_id (optional)

  • status (optional). By default status=ACTIVE.

  • request_number (optional)

  • created_from  (optional)

  • created_to  (optional)

  • medication_id (optional)

  • encounter_id (optional)

  • intent (optional)

  • page (optional)

  • page_size (optional)

Logic WS

  1. Verify the validity of access token

    1. Return 401 in case validation fails

  2. Check user scopes in order to perform this action (scope = 'medication_request:read')

    1. Return 403 in case invalid scope(s)

  3. Get party_id  from $.context.user_id

  4. Get list from $.prm.employees for this party_id

  5. Get care_plan_id from url

  6. Check $.approvals for user's employees (granted_to) on care_plan_id (granted_resources) and $.medication_requests.person_id (granted_by)

  7. Search Medication requests by filters: care_plan_id.

Response (output)

  1. If according to filters requests are not found, WS returns empty data array.

    1. WS also returns pagination data - for technical info.

ЕСОЗ - публічна документація