ЕСОЗ - публічна документація
RC_2_PSYHO_IL.Deactivate legal_entity
- Verify the validity of access token
- Check user scope legal_entity:deactivate in order to perform this action
- In case error - return 401 error
Validate transition
- Validate transition according to Available transitions. Deactivation of an legal_entity is possible if parameters have the following values: is_active = true & status = ACTIVE or SUSPENDED.
- In case error return Error 409 message "Invalid transition".
Deactivate employees
Invoke PRM API to get list of active employees by legal_entity_id. Employees list contains active employees where status=APPROVED and is_active = true.
To deactivate each employee from the list (except OWNER).
Terminate Contract and Contract Requests
Find contracts by contractor_legal_entity_id=$legal_entity_id and status='VERIFIED'
- set prm.contracts.status=TERMINATED and status_reason='auto_deactivation_legal_entity'
Find contract requests by contractor_legal_entity_id=$legal_entity_id and status in (`NEW`, `IN_PROCESS`, `APPROVED`, `PENDING_NHS_SIGN`, `NHS_SIGNED`)
- set prm.contract_requests.status=TERMINATED and status_reason='auto_deactivation_legal_entity'
Deactivate Legal Entity
Change legal_entity status to CLOSED
Deactivate Medical Program Provision
For PHARMACY legal entity type only (according to link).
For related divisions deactivate linked active medical program provision entities:
set is_active = false
set deactivate_reason = AUTO_LEGAL_ENTITY_DEACTIVATION (according to PROVISION_DEACTIVATE_REASON dictionary)
set updated_at, updated by
ЕСОЗ - публічна документація