ЕСОЗ - публічна документація
Release 1
- DLS Registry is managed by NHS
- DLS Registry must be updated in eHealth daily by NHS (DB inserts, DB updates)
- eHealth processes DLS Replica daily to reflect division statuses
DLS Replica structure
Table: dls_registry
Parameter | Type | M/O | Description |
division_id | uuid | M | Division identifier in eHealth |
dls_id | varchar(20) | M | DLS identifier |
dls_status | varchar(50) | M | DLS status |
inserted_at | timestamp | M |
DLS Processor
Each record from DLS Replica must be processed
- Find division in PRM using replica division_id
- In case division by id not found - log error (including id) and skip this record
- Update only divisions with type DRUGSTORE and DRUGSTORE_POINT
PRM.divisions | DLS.dls_registry |
dls_id | dls_id |
dls_status | dls_status |
DLS statuses
Deactivate Medical Program Provision
In case division becomes not verified in DLS (dls_verified=false) (according to link)
If DISPENSE_DIVISION_DLS_VERIFY chart parameter is on:
deactivate related to the division all active medical program provision entities:
set is_active = false
set deactivate_reason = AUTO_DIVISION_DLS_NOT_VERIFIED
set updated_at, updated by
If DISPENSE_DIVISION_DLS_VERIFY is off, then skip this event
, multiple selections available,
ЕСОЗ - публічна документація