DB views

ЕСОЗ - публічна документація

DB views

DB views

View contains aggregate declarations by area, msp, division and doctor per day 

datecalculation date
area_idarea, where legal_entity is located in which the declaration was made
msp_idlegal_entity in which the declaration was made
division_iddivision in which the declaration was made
doctor_iddoctor which signed declaration
declaration_active_on_datecount all active declarations on date (declaration status = ACTIVE)
declaration_closed_on_datecount all closed declarations on current date (declaration status = CLOSED)
declarations_created_per_daycount active declarations per day (declaration status = ACTIVE)
declarations_closed_per_daycount closed declarations per day (declaration status = CLOSED)

View contains aggregate doctors by area, msp and division per day.

datecalculation date
area_idarea, where legal_entity is located in which the doctor was registered
msp_idlegal_entity in which doctor works
division_iddivision in which doctor works
doctors_active_on_datecount all active doctors on date (employee status = ACTIVE)
doctors_inactive_on_datecount all inactive doctors on date (employee status = INACTIVE)
doctors_created_per_daycount doctors who was registered per day (employee status = ACTIVE)
doctors_dismissed_per_daycount doctors who was dismissed per day (employee status = INACTIVE)

ЕСОЗ - публічна документація