[MANUAL] Declaration Termination FE
ЕСОЗ - публічна документація
[MANUAL] Declaration Termination FE
NHS admin via portal must be able to deactivate declaration manually using person_id or employee_id.
UI Design
Terminate by person_id
NHS admin can search for patient's active declaration using search by person_id and status=active.
Below he will see a grid with fields:
ID працівника | ID пацієнта | ПІБ | юридична/фізична особа | дати | статус | причина | дії |
Причина - reason and reason_description
If declaration status='active' add to details page a button 'Розірвати декларацію' and input text field reason_description
(Terminate declarations by employee or person) by person_id.
After show the pop-up window with approvement and return to the detail page with updates status.
If declaration is not active do not show this button.
ЕСОЗ - публічна документація