n/n | Description | Test Case Inputs | Expected Result | Step by step Script | Actual Result |
CIT1 | Create INNM |
| Response 200 INNMS created. Saved to DB |
| |
CIT2 | Create INNM with 0 ingredients |
| Response 422 message: expected the value to be > 0 |
| |
CIT3 | Create innm with not active substance |
| Response 422 message: "Substance in ingredients must be active!" |
| |
CIT4 | Create innm with 2 is_active_subst ingredients |
| Response 422 message: "One of ingredients must be is active substance!" |
| |
CIT5 | Create innm 1 ingredient and is_active_substance=false |
| Response 422 message: "One of ingredients must be is active substance!" |
| |
CIT6 | Create innm with 2 ingredients is_active=true & is_active=false |
| Response 201 INNM created. Saved to DB |
| |
CIT7 | Create innm with 2 ingredients with the same id |
| Response 422 |
| |
CIT8 | Create innm not by NHS Admin |
| Response 403 Message: Your scope does not allow to access this resource. Missing allowances: innm:write |
| |
CIT9 | Deactivate INNM |
| Response 201 |
| |
CIT10 | Deactivate not active INNM |
| Response 404 |
| |
CIT11 | Deactivate INNM with active medication |
| Response 404 |
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