n/n | description | inputs | expected result | step by step script | actual result |
CDR1 | Create Declaration Request |
| 201, created declaration request |
| |
CDR2 | Create Declaration Request w/o scopes |
| 403, forbidden |
| |
CDR3 | Create Declaration Request person<>token.person |
| 422 |
| |
CDR4 | Create Declaration Request inactive division |
| 422 |
| |
CDR5 | Create Declaration Request dismissed doctor |
| 422 |
| |
CDR6 | Create Declaration Request different tax_id in user and person |
| 422 |
| |
CDR7 | Create Declaration Request doctor doesn't belong to division |
| 422 |
| |
CDR8 | Create Declaration Request doctor doesn't meet patients' age |
| 422 |
| |
CDR9 | Create Declaration Request for patient with existing declaration and authentificaion_method |
| 422 |
| |
CDR10 | Create Declaration Request with employee_type<>DOCTOR |
| 422 |
| |
CDR11 | Create Declaration Request with doctor who reached limit |
| 422 |
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